Easy microwave chicken breast recipe | Early summer kitchen | Carrot soup | Broad bean rice

One day's dinner recipe/Easy steamed chicken fillet in sake that can be made in the microwave is a recipe that my mother used to make often when I was a child
I hope you take your time to watch it♪
◎ Steamed chicken fillet in sake in the microwave
Chicken fillet: 8 pieces
Salt: appropriate amount
Sake: soaking
① Arrange chicken fillets in a heat-resistant container
Sprinkle salt evenly
② Pour sake over until it is soaking
③ Cook in a 600W microwave for a total of 5-6 minutes
Turn halfway through
④ Break apart while hot
⑤ After about an hour, absorb the extract remaining in the container
★3 to 4 tablespoons are added for the amount in the video
You can eat it as is
It goes well with onion or carrot dressing, or your favorite dressing
◎ Carrot soup
Butter: 15g
Carrot: 1 piece
Onion: 1/2 piece
Buillon: 400cc
① Add butter to a heated frying pan
Add sliced ​​onions and fry
② When the onions become transparent
Add peeled and sliced ​​carrots and fry
③ Add bouillon
Just enough to cover the vegetables, so if there isn't enough, add water
④ When the carrots are soft, put them in a blender
It's safer to blend them after they've cooled down a little
This is enough for a family of three, so freeze one serving
★It was a chilly day this time, so add ginger
about us Camellia Hibi no Kurashi
My parents in their 70s and I. We live a relaxed, home-style life.
My parents, who have never been sick, suddenly started to need care these days
We make home-cooked meals at a leisurely pace and enjoy eating them every day.
I hope you'll take your time to watch♪
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#LifestyleVlog #RoutineVlog #Cooking #vlog #MorningRoutine #MakingDinner

