Does mindfulness improve test scores? | Lea Cassar | University of Oxford

Research presentation by Professor Lea Cassar (Regensburg) delivered under the title 'Keep Calm and Carry On: The Short- vs. Long-Run Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on (Academic) Performance' as part of the Wellbeing Research Centre's seminar series at the University of Oxford, recorded on 3 February 2023.
00:00 Introduction
00:58 Mindfulness background
03:47 Existing research
06:50 Study design
13:10 Results (outline)
16:24 Impact on mental health
18:27 Impact on non-cognitive skills
18:52 Impact on cognitive skills
19:40 Results (academic performance)
21:51 Robustness checks
24:25 Theories for short- and long-term effects
33:23 Conclusion
34:19 Policy implications
