Digimon TCG | Restriction/Ban Speculation Discussion


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With Peoria's Results from this past weekend, Numemon is still making waves as the leading deck in terms of representation and converting tops. And though our formats aren't an exact 1:1 when it comes to comparing metas with Japan, is it time for another restriction/ban list change? Today's video discusses those speculations and reasonings for which cards will likely be hit. Ultimately, do you agree or disagree and why?

Пікірлер: 189

  • @MrNovascar
    @MrNovascar25 күн бұрын

    One question I frequently ask myself with this topic: Should we hit the current tier 1 decks, even if we are aware of the meta threats from future sets? For every tier1/tier2 deck we have now, there is one more coming down the road. And most restrictions we could do now wouldn't do anything to the newcomers(looking at Easts BT17 Meta Report). SoC/Loogamon and Imperial get new toys that bring them to new highs. The 2 new Hybrid decks are on equal level with our Vaccine and Veemon Armor decks as well as Numemon. Also Mirage seems to be fine. 7GDL, Diaboromon, Shinegreymon, Galantmon and Omnimon are also alive and get some results(even if they can't compete with tier1). So my question is that hitting the current tier1 decks will just decrease diversity of the future meta. Or at worst, create a tier 0 format with Ancient Garurumon. And hit heavens judgement pls



    25 күн бұрын

    At the present, I think with the fact we are accelerating to catch up with Japan's format, we have an idea of what the formats will look like. BT15 was an indication that Apocalymon was going to be a problem, but after so many bandaid fixes, ultimately Apocalymon itself had to be hit. I am mildly concerned with Ancientgarurumon.. but we aren't quite there yet.

  • @afonsoviveiros2605


    25 күн бұрын

    While true, in our situation, we wont have as much diversity. A lot of these decks suffer the massive nerf of not having LM cards, especially so Shine and Gallant. Shine without scrambles can not compete, and Gallant will struggle a while without Megidramon ACE. Dorugora without scrambles may have a harder time, too. Obviously we cant exactly tell what it will shape up to be, but I am afraid it wont have that much diversity all around...

  • @lolhamhams


    25 күн бұрын

    No meta-slave deck runs more than 2 copies of Heaven's Judgement, that would be the most useless restriction ever.

  • @Drakus986
    @Drakus98625 күн бұрын

    I have a feeling that Bandai might just shrug and give no bans or restrictions this go around. That or if they do, they'll just throw a Heaven's Judgement ban at us and call it a day.



    25 күн бұрын

    Ultimately.. this could very well be what happens. With a rushed format, it does not give really any time between set to adjust for the change. It's just one wave crashing into itself over and over again until next year.

  • @LaIslaFileTCG


    25 күн бұрын

    Agree with this The reason nume is big is cause Magna is the big boss monster to beat

  • @richardshiflett5181


    14 күн бұрын

    Ukkomon ban, please. I hate Nume decks.

  • @lVicel
    @lVicel15 күн бұрын

    In fairness, promo Ukkomon feels like the best option to limit. - It's from a short quantity since it isn't from any Booster (only obtainable through promos) - Many Decks only abuse it for the Security attack it can offer (plus the extra memory) - Because it has a Digivolution cost of 0, you prepare your Breeding + you prepare your field in a single movement - Many Decks can adapt and would not die if the Ukkomon is limited Maybe the Ukkomon BT16 could also be limited, but that cost of 1 makes it fairer



    10 күн бұрын

    I'm on board with this one. It's also been reprinted into oblivion.

  • @shiznaztm476
    @shiznaztm47625 күн бұрын

    As someone who plays numemon, Ukkomon is what pushes it so hard. NumeX is cool recursion, but only happens maybe once or twice a match, it's not that important. MonzaeX is way more important, so I could see it getting hit, but Ukko is the big problem here. The issue is, if you get rid of Ukko Promo, you just replace those 3 digimon with ST15? Agumon for the memory+1. Toss in 1 cost Evo Numemons and you're back in business. It doesn't solve much unless you hit BOTH Ukkomon. I think Patamon is a problem for future Vaccine Design, and needs a limit before it gets too powerful. It's a free evo, and +1 Memory, just for raising up. It's probably the best rookie in the game. Heavens Judgment also needs to be checked, because they keep spitting out 3 color cards.

  • @phoenixwright784


    25 күн бұрын

    You hit patamon and Yellow basically no longer exists as a color competitively. Yellow vaccine is fine and does not need a hit. It's magnaX that seems to be the problem. Choice restrict that and Patamon and we're probably good to go.

  • @afonsoviveiros2605


    25 күн бұрын

    I see it a bit like that in regards to the Ukkos. I do agree the Promo could go, however, I believe BT16 Ukkomon is a healthy card for the game, offering a lot of decks a fighting chance when they have little support. Forcing you to pay 1 adds on to this balanced factor, in my opinion. The most absurd thing about Monzaemon X is how good that guy is. It is a lv5 with the best removal in the game. That is crazy.

  • @phoenixwright784


    25 күн бұрын

    Patamon is only a guaranteed free Evo and +1 memory with setup from something like BT 14 T.K. Otherwise it requires luck and is something that can and will whiff. Patamon also requires 2 turns to get going so if you don't open with it, you're damn near dead in the water with 0 plays. Sure, you can search for it, but that means taking even longer to get your plays going and risking having less targets in security to even evolve into if you don't have bt 14 T.K. to guarantee a lv 4 at the bottom of security. Patamon is a strong card. Probably the best rookie yellow has at the moment. But it ain't nearly as problematic as people make it out to be.

  • @shiznaztm476


    25 күн бұрын

    @@phoenixwright784 I fully understand the sentiment of ‘it can whiff’. But let’s be real. Bt14 TK is a 2 cost tamer that sets it up instantly, and Memory TK is one of the most useful and archetypal memory tamers in the game. Both TK’S are goated. You will see one if you’re playing Vaccine. Patamon is a rookie that nets you 4+ memory in a single turn. It’s not healthy. Especially now that decks barely care about getting choked with the power creep that’s going on.

  • @phoenixwright784


    25 күн бұрын

    @@shiznaztm476 .... I mentioned T.K. in my post when I talked about requiring setup. Just because BT 14 T.K. is really good at it's job of setting up for your patamon plays (and the old T.K. can help with setup, though it isn't as good since you don't get to control what you put into security and instead trade reliability for more information on what all is in security ) doesn't mean that Patamon doesn't still have the weaknesses I presented. Patamon either requires setup to guarantee it's plays or luck that you don't whiff. While yes, you absolutely should be playing BT 14 T.K. and plenty of him in yellow Vaccine (and probably memory setter T.K. I feel like memory setter T.K. is less necessary and more build dependant but he certainly doesn't hurt ), you're not guaranteed to always open with both patamon and T.K. meaning there will likely be times where you raise Patamon without knowing what's in security at which point you absolutely can whiff. Sure, patamon can certainly gain you a lot of memory, but being a relatively slow card that requires setup or else it can whiff, it's fine. Consider, Yellow vaccine only became a problem with bt 16, and looking to the future, it seems to be specifically bt 16 stuff that continues to be a problem. Specifically, Magnax. So, we have 2 choices. Do something about Magnax (either hit it to 1 or, preferably, choice restrict it with Patamon ) or hit a deck that was not a problem before Magnax and basically kill yellow as a color. Sorry, but I'd prefer to not kill yellow as a color and instead do something about the actual problem. If yellow vax was actually a problem on introduction or something then sure, I'd say it maybe needs to be hit or at least looked into, but it wasn't. Magnax is the actual problematic card in yellow vaccine.

  • @guidomicheli2230
    @guidomicheli223025 күн бұрын

    I think that ignoring Mirage and blue in general is a huge risk, considering it totally dominated two formats in BT14 and BT15 (tbf BT15 was a horrible format in Japan and they had to hit both Apocaly and Anubis, but the cost was that BT15 was BT14 2.0) if they now hit everything except Mirage again we will have another BT14 3.0 with Mirage playing around Blue Magna and Tyrant with the BT13 MachGaoga. Maybe they should also hit Zudomon ACE (widely regarded as the least fun ACE Lv5, being way stronger than the others) as a hit to both Mirage and Blue in general and maybe Thomas BT4 too to stop it's infinite hits a little bit.



    24 күн бұрын

    I'm honestly torn on Mirage. Based on data that I've had access to from previous events, Mirage has nowhere near the representation as the other two decks. Because of this, it's more so looking at what decks are consistently being overrepresented and why. Frankly, it's also amusing that Red Hybrid was played for it's counter to Numemon but because Magnamon X entered the picture Red Hybrid isn't as prevalent either now.

  • @austin4324
    @austin432425 күн бұрын

    I could see any number of component cards being hit for Magnamon X, such things as heavens judegment. Promo Ukkomon though is hard to see it'll be limited with how wide reaching it can be used in decks, so I see it unlikely being hit, but once again, components to Nume could be limited to reduce power, like it has done in the past for other decks.

  • @TostonDePana


    25 күн бұрын

    In other card games, cards being ubiquitous is seen as a problem as it leads to a less diverse meta. Many of the complaints I have seen for bt16's meta boil down to a lack of deck diversity. I personally think some white cards are a mistake. In fact, if the color white must exist, it should be limited to techs against dominant or problematic strategies (like digimon emperor), not as core engines like ukkomon.



    25 күн бұрын

    Personally, I feel if you have to pick one Ukkomon, I'm ok with hitting the promo more than the searcher. That one memory cost is at least something versus nothing on the other.

  • @TKailan
    @TKailan18 күн бұрын

    I wish for a restriction for Blast Ace. There is now barely any Deck where they are not played as staples. They might punish themself with they're Overclock mechanic, but its in the hands of the oponent to make that happen. And over all, they are just way to consistent.



    10 күн бұрын

    Blast ACE as in the set? A lot of the new SR rookies definitely gave the sets a lot of value. Even Loogamon going to probably spike here.

  • @welcometoauz2198
    @welcometoauz219825 күн бұрын

    I think in terms of hitting Yellow Vaccine - maybe a choice restriction with patamon and magna x? That say you lessen the high rolls with YV with magna X Hitting nume in some way as well. I think this would be the most ideal and hopefully realistic outcome. I do have some gripes with mirage and feel like it also needs a hit. Maybe bt4 thomas? But maybe that's too much.



    24 күн бұрын

    Choice Restrictions are definitely becoming a more popular thought. I do think that choice restrictions should be reserved more for infinites. Maybe one day Waruseadramon and Dimension Scissor will take off XD In regards to Mirage, it's representation in my mind doesn't warrant enough of a restriction. Does it wombo combo? Yes. But it does lack security protection at least or immunity.

  • @welcometoauz2198


    24 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA I guess you're right. Choice restriction should be meant for really serious issues I suppose. I just wanted a way of hitting Armor vaccine without "killing" yellow. But I guess the more you think about it, I do like your point about emissary being kinda like HPD. Maybe that's the hit. I do not believe magna x will be hit. Mostly cause I think the meta naturally shifts away from it.



    24 күн бұрын

    @@welcometoauz2198 By all means, this video and channel welcome all forms of discussion. I won't say that my lists are perfect, nor will I ever reject your line of opinion or discussion. I appreciate the engagement and walking me through your logic and reasoning of what you'd like to see get limited or banned. But I definitely agree that too often, Bandai has designed too generic cards that while ultimately really good for an archetype, overtuned another. Case and point with Bukamon. Great egg for Gomamon and any other janky blue deck. Overtuned egg for decks like Melga and Mirage.

  • @pokemonruler54
    @pokemonruler5425 күн бұрын

    The restrictions my locals has concluded are gonna happen are both ukkos to 1, and magnax, rapidX, and both rapid armors will be choice restricted with bt14 patamon and emissary



    25 күн бұрын

    It would honestly be amusing if Ukkomons got choice restricted to literally only be in a deck with BigUkkomon. I can't see Bandai doing that though. The choice restriction for Magnamon X, Rapidmon X with BT14 Patamon and Emissary is nice. I might play test that and see how it goes.

  • @enigmaticheart666


    24 күн бұрын

    Yep, sounds like a locals take lmfao I doubt it, they aren't gonna do shit

  • @Gorerend
    @Gorerend25 күн бұрын

    bt16 Ukkomon you have to evaluate at what its effect is in terms of memory gain as it is effectively a form of resource cheating, which breaks down like this; The closest to consider for its raise effect is a slightly better Training Boost, effective memory value 2 the Rehatch is basically the second portion of Mem setter Mimi, so can half the value of it (the Mimi) to add another 2 in value BUT what most people dont then evaluate with the card in both Promo and Bt16 form is the turn advancement it gives, every re-hatch means you gain an effective 2 turns (since you would normally be forced to hatch the next turn, and then not be able to raise until the one after), which can be averaged to being worth about 4 memory. so in total is 8 Memory worth of value with a 1 cost card in the respects of BT16, and 7 memory worth of value off of the Promo. Both fundamentally break the natural cycle of the game with no actual investment that can't be interacted with in most cases (current exceptions being the new Volcanicdra and course Digi-Emp) In total if Nume was to disappear from the ENG Meta it could very much warp into a completely different environment (outside of the general variances due to the playstyle differences of the different regions) but at the very least does give the slower decks an actual chance to compete without just getting high rolled outta existence by Nume. Also agree that Emissary is absolutely the major offender in the relevance of Vaccine Armors and creates the a design hang up for yellow in general that either the decks made HAVE to be vaccine in order to continue to use the engine as its just the most efficient method of play, or it sees absolutely no play, pretty much a Yellow Hybrid v 2.0 situation.

  • @mathibell5236
    @mathibell523625 күн бұрын

    For my list looking at the meta and futire metas: Both ukkos should go to 1 even at 1 cost the new ukko its absurd its one of the best turn 1 plays in the game and it will only be a problem card in the future like it or not the card gives you the draw of digivolucion the search of top 3 plus the pontencial draw of the new rookie that you will put behind and in the future they will be used in the ancient garuru deck and its posible in the new susanomon/hibrid deck If not then I should limit the bearx and nume x but like you said its still a problematic deck even with that hit For magna In the vaccine version limiting emissary would stop it But I would ban AWAKENING OF THE GOLDEN KNIGHT before the new magna x this card wasnt a problem but now it is. We as a game are entering to an era where a lot of cards arent broken by them selves but what they can make are the most broken part of them and in the future we will see more and more of this and bandai shouldnt be scare to ban this cards and maybe replace them with more balanced versions Patamon for the moment I would say its fine but that could easily change by this time next year Magnamon x its wierd its crazy strong but its not unbeatable

  • @bhagwanbill
    @bhagwanbill14 күн бұрын

    My issue with Patamon is just it's so unrestricted by Vaccine. Letting you go into a 4 cost evo like Rapidmon is crazy and made crazier with cards like Rapid X letting you skip level 5 afterwards.

  • @BlondeWolf77
    @BlondeWolf7725 күн бұрын

    I agree with a lot of your points, some other cards I would like to see be hit are: - BT9 Awakening of the Golden Knight, I think this card could be hit to make magnaX a little less splashable and weaken yellow vax slightly, Im honestly fine magnaX in a veemon based list. - EX4 Heaven's Judgement, This card is currently one of the best removal option cards in the game and with 3 colour Digimon becoming more common I can see it becoming even more of a problem, being able to split -24k dp between multiple targets for 7 is way to over turned.



    24 күн бұрын

    Heaven's Judgment is another popular card that I'm seeing a lot in the comments. Frankly, I omitted this card because it's typically a 2 of - so limiting it feels... not as big. Banning outright though? Now that's a game changer. With BT18's reveals of 3 color Emperorgreymon and Magnagarurumon, this card could definitely come into contention at a later date. On the immediate? I don't think so. Awakening of the Golden Knight is another interesting choice. Personally, I find it amusing because whether you play it in Yellow Vaccine or Veemon Based - it's an extra card you do need to go from an Armor Digimon to Magnamon X for a cost of 3. In essence, it fulfills the role of a level 5 albeit with some DP protection. Ultimately, I think you're right that this card would hinder the Yellow Vaccine variant, but I think other underlying cards could be eliminated.

  • @KingofSquat
    @KingofSquat25 күн бұрын

    I’d say restrictions to Ukkomon, Emissary of Hope, and Heaven’s Judgment. They plan to keep putting out three color digimon then Heaven’s judgment will just keep getting stronger and be able to play in multiple decks as you just need yellow or green anywhere on the field.



    25 күн бұрын

    Curiously, I'm wondering what the next 3 color Digimon will be.

  • @garurutcg3078
    @garurutcg307825 күн бұрын

    The reason why Nume is so popular at least in EU/NA is due to huge amount of MagnaX and that's the only real counter. It's just proportional... if people will spam MagnaX in their decks what is the best deck to bring? It's nume. The deck itself is not so GREAT against many other decks like Mirage, Tyrant and so on.... I agree on NumeX it's quite bonkers to have a recursion on deck which is already fast but yet again the problem is hidden deeper than a surface. Less MagnaX -> Less Nume. Besides that if we go deeper into problematic cards we should pay attention at cards which just allows the deck to have unfair advantage like Patamon. It's literally 3memory+ for free and it's quite similar story with emissary. P.S. still don't understand what is JetSylphimon doing in limited list, Grandis limit was also a weird one.



    24 күн бұрын

    This is also very true. One issue that I have right now is that out of all my testing, the best option cards to hit in security against Magna X AND Numemon is Ultimate Flare. But broad spectrumly, Numemon kind of gets hosed when Crimson Blaze is put into play. The problem? Magnamon X just laughs at this option card since it does nothing. Commonly, I do see Patamon being the more discussed SR but putting this to one ultimately eliminates the deck completely as one problem would ultimately be speed at the current rate decks play. As for Jetsilphymon and Grankuwagamon? It was the recovery factor for Jetsilphymon. Grankuwagamon? Honestly came too late in my opinion.

  • @bretbeebe4061
    @bretbeebe406125 күн бұрын

    I think pair bans make the most sense. Promo ukko can't be used with BT16 ukko, emissary, BT14 t.k., and emissary can't be used together. That honestly fixes a lot of the problems with both Numemon and Magna without making everyone feel like their cards are worthless



    25 күн бұрын

    Pair Restrictions with Bandai's logic followed predominantly a course of preventing infinites. Limits feel like they solve the overarching problem of some decks. But we're now at a crossroad where you could honestly do either.

  • @a.block.of.tofu.
    @a.block.of.tofu.25 күн бұрын

    I mostly agree. Though I think Patamon is busted personally. The memory gain off a patamon/T.k. combo is just absurd. You're basically evoing for negative memory cost. If patamon didn't have that inheritable skill I don't think it would be as bad. One card I don't see people consider for the ban list is Awakening of the golden knight. I think banning this card would balance magna decks without hitting any Digimon quite well. It would make vaccine decks have to use level 5s to get to their Magnamon X every time and it would make veemon armor decks have to evo for the full 5 cost over their Maganmons instead of 3.



    25 күн бұрын

    The Patamon is very powerful, but I also think that certain situations curb this Digimon already. Not discounting it by any means, considering we've already have restrictions to even secret rares. Awakening is another finicky card to consider. On one hand, if Numemon does go unchecked, DP reduction is one of the easiest outs to Magnamon X. Awakening is one of the few cards they can utilize for some protection.

  • @alexzuniga4485


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA Nume is specifically good into magna regardless of Awakening because their dp reduction lingers and essentially goes through awakenings protection.

  • @ReinforceJunior


    25 күн бұрын

    I agree with awakening being the card to hit to nerf vaccine armor. It lets the deck run 4 level 5s without issues and allows for a lot of degenerate plays. If they hit that card, and they had to run more level 5s, it would definitely hurt the deck a lot.

  • @Shakzor1


    25 күн бұрын

    could always just choice restrict Patamon/Emissary with X-Antibody armors. Although i agree on the Patamon... you effectively cannot memory choke yellow. If turn 1 was Patamon + T.K., they will start at atleast 3 memory, unless the Patamon whiffs

  • @ReinforceJunior


    25 күн бұрын

    @@Shakzor1 you can't really memory choke any tier 1 deck at this point.

  • @reidmoore8754
    @reidmoore875424 күн бұрын

    As much as Ukkomon is a problem being the nearly ultimate splashable card I don't think they will restrict him just yet. Since we got that 02 Movie bundle thing coming out soon that has every tamer and every rookie including Lui and Ukkomon, if they wanted to maximize their profits with it they would wait till after people buy four copies of it before putting Ukko to one.



    24 күн бұрын

    While true, I don't think it matters because the premium bandai items are print to order. Meaning if you order them that's it. You could resell them but otherwise, there's a finite number out there in the wild.

  • @zakxusenpai4715
    @zakxusenpai471525 күн бұрын

    Shoutmon x4 and sunrise buster to 4 🙂. In all seriousness I think heavens judgement, emissary of hope, nume x, searcher ukko(maybe both ukkos) should be touched in some way. Maybe pata and magna x too. I feel like magna x would've been fine if its protection only lasted for the current turn but Idk if bandai is up for errating cards. But thats my two cents



    25 күн бұрын

    I would LOVE Geogreymon to 4 but I know that's a definite no XD. The Ukkos are a common problem and I hope Bandai at least hits one of them.

  • @afonsoviveiros2605
    @afonsoviveiros260525 күн бұрын

    I disagree in the contest between Patamon and Emissary. Patamon has less requirements to work, and has a cost of 0 overall. Perhaps even gains you 1 memory from using it. Emissary on the other hand forces you to pay 1 and takes away one security unless you have TK. That is much more balanced. Not balanced for the game, but more than Patamon. Another thing to take in mind is the space the cards occupy. Patamon is just an easy 4 of rookie you can slot to any yellow deck with vaccine (basically the entire color). Emissary fights for space between options and tamers. I do not think either of them should be in the game, but, in my mind, Pata is much worse. The overly generic design to go into any digimon of the color is just absurd.



    24 күн бұрын

    Patamon, TK turn one is very powerful. One reason why I like Patamon is that yellow vaccine does have an issue when it comes to speed. Sure it can climb conventionally up like everyone else but when looking at generic level 4's, there's always the issue of digivolution costs. For example, Patamon to Geogreymon. The other setback is that although you might be recovering, the deck leans more into monsters than options. Meaning even if you're recovering, you're likely just trying to put up a body in the security that can take down another.

  • @DigimonDeckLabs
    @DigimonDeckLabs25 күн бұрын

    One thing I find when it comes to nukkomon (Numemon deck but relies a lot on ukkomon) is the fact that it can run all the ukkos it wants, and also has access to a lot of the best aces and boss Digimon right now such as magna x, rapid x, Valkyrie ace, azulong ace, megagargo ace depending on your build if it was just the nume package it would probably still be a threat but probably not as scary as when playing against it your worry about wide boards not oh which ace do they have or I’m I going to get hit by a magna x or rapid x built by poo I feel if you do something with nukkomon maybe say you can only run one or the other ukkomon you can’t run both or say if your running aces or the two xs you can’t run ukkomon at all.



    24 күн бұрын

    Ukkomon is a very generalized package. And for the fact that it's splashable in about anything if you wanted to makes it all that much worse. When I saw some Gabubond lists floating about I had to ask, what made the deck competitive again? The answer? Ukkomon XD. Generalized support and splashability is likely going to become an issue in the future.

  • @DigimonDeckLabs


    24 күн бұрын

    Exactly I think the only saving grace is that you can’t evo on top of it and for some decks that can be a hindrance than a help but decks like Numemon that don’t really care for the breeding area has access to on deletion effects, dp - effects, on play effects that effect your opponents and have the ability to go wide is nuts and ukkomon is basically the engine to get there. A thought accrues you don’t even have to run the black egg in Numemon now you could run the red koromon from bt14 and get more card draw another thing that Numemon has access to Numemon has been a top deck contender for a long time now for a good few sets and it all comes down to the ukkomon engine.



    24 күн бұрын

    @@DigimonDeckLabs Well.. there is one Digimon you can evo with Ukkomon but it's Sistermon Blanc (Awakened) XD

  • @DigimonDeckLabs


    24 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA the trouble with ukkomon is it’s just making the game that much faster I feeling like the pace of the game needs to be slowed again. Which comes to the yellow vaccine deck while it doesn’t run ukkomon the Patamon, t.k and emissary of hope is that it is basically rigging your security to benefit you and accelerate your game state imagine if the geogreymon was still about today if a card needs to be hit in that deck it is emissary and if your doing the vaccine armours the awakening of the golden knight also needs a hit. I’ve started a podcast a while ago with a friend (still on one episode) and one topic that we were playing to discuss is if Bandai were to errata old cards to make them more relevant today that could help lower tier decks to be more competitive today.

  • @thegoateedragon4085
    @thegoateedragon408524 күн бұрын

    I was in a card shop and heard someone talking about how they hate going against a yellow deck, and all I could think was I should've brought my Shinegreymon deck.



    24 күн бұрын

    Respectfully, there are just some cards that when they were made definitely had me scratching my head. Not going to lie. I LOVED BT13 Geogreymon. It was yellow hybrid heaven for me. And then it got limited to 1. And I was sad.

  • @thegoateedragon4085


    24 күн бұрын

    @DIGI-PANDA Perhaps in the future, there will be some cards unbanned and/or unlimited. Can only dream.

  • @MrEdgargui
    @MrEdgargui25 күн бұрын

    Main thing I think is they will have to hit numemon before ex7 and bt18. As we can see these sets seemed to be under powered compared to the recent ones but also that numemon is still running strong in JP and will deter sales for them.



    24 күн бұрын

    Kind of the opposite of the Konami problem. Reprint and then ban/restrict, but ban/restrict before a new set drops XD

  • @StarkMaximum
    @StarkMaximum24 күн бұрын

    I just hate that the Digimon TCG community seems to be getting into the same rut a lot of TCGs get into, where the literal second anything seems really powerful people start going "ban ban ban ban ban ban ban", especially in Digimon which has banned one (1) card in its entire history but people seem to think it's time to throw the fire alarm because they saw a spark. I also agree that Magnamon X and Numemon are annoyingly powerful but I don't know what to limit and I definitely think people are too quick to say now is the time to ban something.



    24 күн бұрын

    I don't think we're at the point where a ban needs to happen. The wording on Mega Digimon Fusion ultimately would have been problematic if we had even let the card be at one copy. Considering Greymon X can prevent the bounce. I do think the discussion is necessary to have the community come together and plan accordingly as Bandai drops these sometimes without warning.

  • @DrCoeloCephalo
    @DrCoeloCephalo19 күн бұрын

    Didn't Numemon's weaknesses become more visible in EX7 in Japan already? I think there was a Numemon deck that won without any Ukkomon by mostly running Gabumon and Gabumon X to cycle in breeding until they got the pieces and just hard playing Numemons.



    18 күн бұрын

    Ukkomons definitely have a lot of consistency help. But yes, if Ukkomon is limited I see players flocking back to Gabumon or Agumon.

  • @navi0760
    @navi076025 күн бұрын

    I don’t think Japan sees in issue with Ukkomon. It seems to fall off in favor of the AncientGarurumonn meta. If we hit numemon we’ll get a magna x format so I think we’re doing fine right now.



    25 күн бұрын

    Agree to this. While I am speculating on possible restrictions, ultimately, because we're on a fast track format to meet up with Japan as quickly as possible, will these changes be significant enough long term? Possibly not. Now come BT17 when we do get Ancientgarurumon.. it is very possible that if the meta still doesn't change we could see a restriction list. This is where I think ultimately do we balance short term or wait and go for long term?

  • @kyrios0307


    25 күн бұрын

    Bruh AncientGarurumon runs 8 Ukkomons lol the deck works better using Ukkos rather than putting any other Rookies

  • @navi0760


    24 күн бұрын

    @@kyrios0307 they used to. But it’s falling out of favor since Ukkomon can’t evo. You can see this trend on the digimon meta website. The KZreadr East backs this point up too. Ukko is falling off

  • @hugemclargetall
    @hugemclargetall25 күн бұрын

    I just don't want stupid decisions to kill the game. Expensive SRs, even T2 deck cards, will probably be expensive in the combined sets later on, if ratios are not generous. Same time releases will also make the game more expensive on average. Already on the edge of pricing me out of the game, with recent BT16 supply issues and the promos lately. I am not gonna drop $70 - $100 on a 'for fun' tier 5 deck. I will continue to leave me essay of complaints in the surveys. Pretty sure like most companies, they only care about '5 out of 5s', or '10 out of 10s'. They probably skip the written out part if its 10 or more words long. Dinosaurs in charge of Bandai need to step down.



    24 күн бұрын

    I generally agree with this statement as well. There are times where I question the decisions that are made and why the decision was made. Some restrictions even (Grankuwagamon) specific felt extremely late that it was no longer a problem. I do have a new series that is coming out that does touch on your for fun deck :3

  • @Ivan.striker
    @Ivan.striker24 күн бұрын

    My prediction (and honestly wishlist) is Both ukkomon to 1 Patamon to 1 That’s it I don’t feel like Magna X needs a hit, it’s a really strong boss monster but it isn’t so broken in its own deck (Veemon Magnamon) as it is broken in yellow vaccine, rapidmon is so much stronger than Magnamon, and yellow vaccine can easily turbo from a lvl 3 to a lvl 4 for free (with Patamon, which is the most broken rookie ever created), gain memory in the process, and then go from a free lvl 4 to a lvl 6 completely skipping the lvl 5 with the golden armor option card. It’s so stupid that you can practically break the rules of the game by skipping from a lvl 3 to a really strong lvl 6 boss monster and that to me is what makes Patamon the most likely card to be hit. And as you tested, really the problem with Numemon is Ukkomon, the promo one is the most problematic one but the bt16 one is also really problematic. They are too good, too fast, too generic and easily make it impossible for other decks to catch up with their pace.



    24 күн бұрын

    Both Ukkos to 1 would be really huge in some ways. It also takes away from the Gabubond potential that we would have had, but seeing as we aren't getting Gabumon Bond of Friendship ACE until December, that already throws that potential out the window.

  • @calebashton1
    @calebashton125 күн бұрын

    Heaven's Judgement needs to get a full ban. With the rise of 3-color digimon, and several 3-4 color decks coming in BT18 and beyond, it's just too strong. A potential -30k DP board wipe for 7 is way too good.



    24 күн бұрын

    Currently, there's only one. But unfortunately, you're right that every 3 color Digimon somehow gives you access to Heaven's Judgment. Frankly, making a green Digimon or tamer being present might've been too much. I get why but it might've overstepped.

  • @PPsqueezer
    @PPsqueezer25 күн бұрын

    Give us back Greymon X! Even at 4, greymon decks don't compare to the current sets.



    25 күн бұрын

    I'd be honestly curious to see if 4 Greymon X changes the meta that much.

  • @shmaz1781


    6 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA I think it would be fine. Considering how much other cards cheese going up the line *cough yellow vaccine cough*. I don't think Evo into level 5 for 1 would be that crazy. It still costs 3 to Evo into level 4 if you don't have perfect stack.

  • @idbw1274
    @idbw127423 күн бұрын

    So am I the only one who thinks we don't need a banlist? Like I don't think the game is in a bad spot. The only thing that's "bad" about the meta is nume and that's more a regional thing cuz Nume isn't a problem in other regions. It's only NA. Now that can be cuz players in NA want it more and to some degree I can agree to that. My hot take is the player base is like other player bases in that they complain too much about tier 1 decks winning and being the better decks in the format compared to their pet deck.

  • @LocoDS49
    @LocoDS4925 күн бұрын

    I think that BT16 Ukkomon is the one that should be hit because of its wide use, if you look at both ukkomons which one of the two is being used in 70% of decks in any capacity? Many decks have incorporated it because it boosts your consistency through the roof while promo Ukkomon is only used realistically in 1 deck and that is Numemon. BT16 Ukkomon's cost of 1 is honestly an advantage rather than a disadvantage becasue when you go first it can easily create this "dance" with the memory gauge with your opponent desperately trying to try and choke you and you choke him right back while also promoting every turn and searching everyturn. And if you opponent also starts with their own BT16 Ukko in the back, congrats you most likely now have 3 memory and gained tempo to build a stack/choke you opponent. While not only true with BT16 Ukkomon, Ukkomon demands to be responded to otherwise you will be both rushed while and gain advantage each turn, and this is where I think BT16 is strongest, a search turn fixing your hand and accelerating you to your win condition is way more important than 1 more memory, and for that 1 memory to matter you would need it at specific breakpoints to different degrees of impact.



    23 күн бұрын

    Definitely agree with all of your points! I do think both Ukkomons are a problem, but I do think it's too early for BT16 to be hit in our current format. That being said it'll also be harder to hit anything as we accelerate through the different sets.

  • @vprime7209
    @vprime720925 күн бұрын

    I really wanna see Emissary hit as well as Ukkomon promo.

  • @vprime7209


    25 күн бұрын

    Heaven's Judgement is like a "wishful thinking" pick for me, but my God is it absolutely insane with the number of multicoloured decks around



    25 күн бұрын

    I think this one is wishful, but it could be possible. The more Bandai releases three color cards, the more problematic it can be.

  • @khaisianteh4153
    @khaisianteh415325 күн бұрын

    I choose the next restricted cards will be the "Memory Boost!"&"Training"series.



    25 күн бұрын

    I'd be mildly entertained by this.

  • @navi0760


    25 күн бұрын


  • @pkr7639


    25 күн бұрын

    The boost and training cards are ballanced enough. And they are not the 'problem card' in any OP meta deck that run it. I would even say that they are more benificial in less powerful decks rather than the real OP decks. And in the future cards will be able to pop them before the delay occurs, so that ban will most likely never happen. Also, they are not that expensive anymore. So just buy some playsets to see how they can benifit your decks instead of wanting them banned because your opponent top decked them at the right moment a few times

  • @afonsoviveiros2605


    25 күн бұрын

    Trainings? I get it, they offer a shit ton of speed to stack decks, others would not have access to. But memory boosts, too? You are just asking for the game to have no consistency.

  • @discoleumas6191
    @discoleumas619125 күн бұрын

    I agree with the point that Magnamon-X is unlikely to be restricted based on recent tournament results but it should be. Numemon wouldn't top as much if it wasn't for Magnamon-X gatekeeping every other deck in the format.



    25 күн бұрын

    Ultimately, if Numemon does get hit, Magnamon X needs to get some hits as well otherwise we're trading one for the other.

  • @LangLong
    @LangLong25 күн бұрын

    I wonder why nume is such a problem in na, but not as bad in other areas? Like in the Barcelona regional and tak you saw nume but people also played other decks.



    25 күн бұрын

    Great question! I've noticed in North America we tend to play what "wins" the most. Meaning as representation for one deck skews, we skew it even more.

  • @joseantoniogomezrodriguez1724
    @joseantoniogomezrodriguez172425 күн бұрын

    If nume still gets top on japan and is 50% on the meta i think banning nume x is essential, that on deletion that doesn't care if you're a valky or ruin mode is stupid, and also sets up the lvl 6 for easy ruin lvl7 digimon plays. With 1 the loop is still possible and the deck can cicle thanks to geremon or the purple base



    23 күн бұрын

    Some ACE Digimon have very powerful - and again, is it design oversight? I don't think so. I think some of these effects were meant to be as powerful as they are. It just happens to be they combo extremely well with certain archetypes or cards.

  • @raikaria3090
    @raikaria309025 күн бұрын

    Marcus was hit for being a top 5 deck for like 3 formats. Numemon has been a Top 3 for 5+ formats; and nothing in BT18 looks like it beats Nume either. Literally look at BT18 and it's "well; it all loses to Numemon so..." I feel Bandai will see BT18 have little~no effect on the meta [Maybe Lucemon will do something] and everything still being Numemon, and their hand will be forced. Nume NEEDS to be hit. There is no justification to not hit it at this point. As for how; not quite sure. Also; Ukko needs to be hit; not just for Nume; it's enableing things like Agu/Gabu rush which is a clear sign of a problem. I'd love to see Magnamon X hit, but I doubt it will since it's falling off in Japan due to Shoto shenanigans. I think it's more likly Magnamon takes indirect hits from general Yellow hits [Yellow has been top dog for too long and I absolutely see yellow staples getting hit like Patamon]; and hits to Imperaldramon [which also needs to be hit; it's been going strong for too long too]; for example; I can see a Veemon hit to slow them down.

  • @DevDoesDigimon


    25 күн бұрын

    Honestly, if anything in Imperial gets hit outside of PM ACE, it's likely to be the BT16 DaiKen. It provides *way* too much power to Imperial to allow it to perform all of its shenanigans, plus being able to freedrop and recover searchers is insane. (Sure, YolKari does the same thing, but it doesn't provide as much utility other than searcher recycling.) Although, I could see Promo Veemon getting hit as well. Him comboing with BT12 ExVee or Sting is nuts, providing basically a free evolution.



    25 күн бұрын

    That was one thing I immediately noticed with Davis and Ken. The fact that you could play your searchers and bounce them back meant so much free searching. None of the other tamers have that much utility with their searching as the only searcher for Yolei and Kari is pretty much Hawkmon.

  • @baderrmn
    @baderrmn16 күн бұрын

    Ukkoman is a broken card banning it weakening tear 1 deck and dicrease the playability of raouge decks however , if I want to creat a rouge deck to be obligate to play ukkomon for the deck to be playable not to mention could win is restrcting deckbuilding potentiomal and creativity so I would enjoy the game more if other generic cards were prented that could be splashable in my rouge decks better than ukkomon , but not so generic that it also boost the tear1 decks

  • @burningfiretorch15
    @burningfiretorch1524 күн бұрын

    I really don't super mind if both ukkomons gets the axe, not for completive reasons i just don't like him and how he can be in every deck, it was really boring seeing every deck in Japan run 8 ukkos even in decks it had no business being in when bt16 came out there



    24 күн бұрын

    Ultimately, this goes back to the Bukamon problem - Ukkomon definitely helps build jank, but the problem is it overtunes already competitive ones.

  • @Oops-All-Agumon
    @Oops-All-Agumon25 күн бұрын

    so thinking about this a lot and i think both ukkomons are too strong. Numemon was a lot slower with only 1 ukkomon as we saw last format. The speed of the deck comes from ukkomon being a value engines. Promo makes the deck faster and BT16 makes the deck more consistent but the fact that they both hatch a new egg for raising out is what is extra broken about the card whether it is an evo cost of 1 or 0 doesnt matter because this is the ability that is making the cards broken. I also think that monzae x is more problematic than nume X because of the free body and lingering removal that bypasses almost every protection in the game. floating into a new body is annoying but not the worst thing ever as this is why people are playing etemon is because of the lingering effect. So to me mozae X and both ukkomons are the hits for nume. When it comes to magnamon X he is harder to hit but for yellow it is obviously something in that patamon engine has to go. Honestly after that i think we should be fine until BT17 when the movie options becomes the next issue. I just hope they actually act on it sooner rather than later.



    10 күн бұрын

    Apologies for not getting back to this one sooner! I do agree that at least one Ukkomon needs to go. I can't see Bandai hitting both quite yet. The question is when?

  • @baritonetenor
    @baritonetenor23 күн бұрын

    Nume-x, Patamon, Hope, P-Ukko, Heavens Judgement & Ruin Mode can all go to 1 imo I'm willing to nerf the deck I play with Magna-x to 1 and I think some limited cards could go to 0 with no problem. (Like Ice Wall and hdp)



    23 күн бұрын

    I'm on board with Numemon X, Emissary of Hope but feel like Heavens Judgement and Ruin Mode at 1 are... odd. Mainly because a lot of decks that do run Ruin Mode only run it at 1. Even Shinegreymon. Magnamon X I'd leave alone as well for the time being. I feel the metrics of tournaments should speak themselves.

  • @justinso8231
    @justinso823125 күн бұрын

    Please have a banlist. We really need it!



    24 күн бұрын

    I anticipate some restriction shortly after EX6 or before BT17. If Numemon X continues to dominate, we'll see the same results over and over again.

  • @michaelliggett1622
    @michaelliggett162226 күн бұрын

    I will says this I dont think ukkomon will be limited or banned it been this long and they done nothing to it so I dont think they see it as a problem and honestly I dont play it but from what I have seen when it used in deck I honestly dont see the problem with it

  • @Vansjoo7966


    25 күн бұрын

    Generally three things cause bans according to bandai. So it becomes less speculative and more to why we expect it. 1. Limits future design ( Tends to be the biggest ) 2. Too much dominance in meta game, without reasonable counter play that forces tech. 3. Loops Combos because they actively dont like this type of play. Ukkomon kinda falls under 1 & 2. Since any and all future aggro decks need to thinkbof Ukko when they design them.



    25 күн бұрын

    I think my biggest beef with Ukkomons in general is that they can freely promote a new egg without any cost. Cards like Mimi Tachikawa require a level 5 or higher green Digimon in play and Willis must be played to get the effect. For the fact that they can simply promote up, even themselves it's just so much benefit with either an extra memory or even looking at the top 3 for something.

  • @michaelliggett1622


    25 күн бұрын

    ​@@DIGI-PANDA your beef is that something gives some kind of advantage that honestly not good viewpoint because it limit your creativity

  • @michaelliggett1622


    25 күн бұрын

    @@Vansjoo7966 I disagree



    25 күн бұрын

    I think there's also the point of what is advantage without cost? The thing is as the game continually evolves, we will see points where the cost is minimal to none.

  • @skseiba8450
    @skseiba845024 күн бұрын

    I think bt14 patamon can gone, with just 1 tk bt14 can make anything in turn 2,magna x or rapid x, i dont see magna x to get hit. With ukko out ancientgaruru get a bit nerf too but then bt17 imperial with everything its hard (stop giving imperial things to be relevant xD), but i just think pata and promo ukko, maybe time for some card to back



    24 күн бұрын

    I don't know if BT17 Imperial is going to be the answer to everything, to which if it is, then suddenly partition Paildramon might be next on the chopping block XD

  • @skseiba8450


    23 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA imperial without partition its weak xd, any removal and bye stack



    23 күн бұрын

    @@skseiba8450 That was one of it's biggest issues. The lack of something if the stack went away. Problem is out of the 3 DNA digimon, Imperialdramon has the best searchability and support. Everyone else feels janky.

  • @skseiba8450


    23 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA its prota digi sadly there no hope for the rest to stay in equal

  • @MellowDevGaming
    @MellowDevGaming25 күн бұрын

    My complaint is they nerf eyesmon, nerf Gabu draw trash AND ON DELETE (why). All of this because it's too generic and easy to put into any purple deck, and it felt like a band-aid for apocolymon. OK fine. But Ukkomon isn't generic enough? They forgot about this game? They obv only care about one piece



    25 күн бұрын

    Tis true. They band-aid fixed for Apocalymon so many times BUT then once they actually hit Apocalymon.. I would've liked for the purple cards to come back. I understand that these cards may have been limiting for game design.. but maybe limit those cards when the actual problem happens?

  • @DevDoesDigimon


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDAHonestly, I can get their reasoning for the purple Gabu stuff being restricted besides Apocalymon and Anubismon. That stuff was so good that unless you had a *very* specific engine to do the same thing (Beelze's mill engine for example), you were running the Gabu engine. It was a very solid generic engine that sped up way too many purple decks, especially on-the-edge-of-the-meta ones like Beelstar. So, purple Gabu had to die for other deck's sins. Sucked, because before that was announced, I was dead-set on running a purple MelgaX deck.

  • @notdwaddler2013
    @notdwaddler201323 күн бұрын

    Can we just unlimit DoruGrey already? Protection's rampant as is and non-black decks tend to borderline OTK at times, so I see no harm.



    23 күн бұрын

    At the speeds at which some decks operate, I could see the unlimit. But at the same time I could see them not just for the sake of future design.

  • @notdwaddler2013


    21 күн бұрын

    @DIGI-PANDA Its a fair point, but they'd also need to get to some of that design eventually as well. And proper, non-SoC Doru hasn't really gotten gas since Royal Knights I think?

  • @digiwatchtcg7625
    @digiwatchtcg762525 күн бұрын

    Restrictions to promo ukko and monzX, emissary are the best



    25 күн бұрын

    I only lean more to Ukko, Numemon X and Emissary just for the sake of a meme. Level 4 X antibodies? Always too powerful.

  • @lopezcelis
    @lopezcelis13 күн бұрын

    all x antibody monsters to 1 or zero for me its ok :D



    10 күн бұрын

    This is the universe where no one adapted to X program XD

  • @monkteeofficial
    @monkteeofficial23 күн бұрын

    Unlimit shoutmon x4 pls 🙏



    23 күн бұрын

    I think across the list, many cards are cards players want off the list. The only reason why I see them not doing so is ultimately due to future proofing for card design.

  • @cthulhuscat442
    @cthulhuscat44225 күн бұрын

    Promo ukkomon should be limited to 1 unless you have 4 bigukkos in your deck. That deck doesn't deserve the shafting just because of Numemon.



    25 күн бұрын

    I considered a choice restriction with Ukkomon only being available at 4 copies unless you have the 4 big Ukkomons in the deck. The problem is, Bandai hasn't choice restricted with the caveat of number of copies, it's normally as long as you run A without B you're fine. So if you were to define run A WITH B now, couldn't Numemon decks just run 1 BigUkkomon to circumvent this rule?

  • @cthulhuscat442


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA If they stick with that convention, absolutely, and it would solve nothing. However, I did use the word "should." It likely won't be that way, but I think it's the fairest way to do things. Furthermore, I don't think appealing to Bandai's past patterns is a good way to call for change. Sure, ultimately we don't have a say in what they ban or how they ban it, but that doesn't mean they'll do it the same way every time. They didn't ban cards until one day, they did. They didn't do restrictive pairs until one day, they did. Who's to say they wouldn't eventually do a ban linked to number of copies? I think it's up to us as a community to try and influence some of those changes from sheer outcry, and with that in mind, the possibilities vary greatly.



    25 күн бұрын

    100% agree with you on this matter. My goal when I make these videos is to promote discussion and provide suggestions for Bandai to improve/change. Can we complain? Yes, but is there a better way in how we complain? Absolutely.

  • @pkr7639
    @pkr763925 күн бұрын

    Either patamon should go to one, or I want greymon x back at 4. We can't have one on the list, but not the other

  • @phoenixwright784


    25 күн бұрын

    When both cards are entirely different, sure we can. Patamon requires setup or luck. You can whiff on Patamon and basically be sitting there with a shiny vanilla. Patamon takes 2 turns to go off (turn one to exist somewhere on the board, turn 2 to trigger it's start of main effect ). Patamon doesn't provide any form of protection. Greymon X doesn't require luck or really much setup. As long as you have a greymon out, it's live, meaning that greymon X can't whiff. Greymon X provides fairly strong protection. Greymon X doesn't require 2 turns to go off. Just because both provide cheap/er climbing abilities doesn't mean that they are comparable at all. Hell, I'd argue how Greymon X comboes with cool boy is much stronger than how Patamon comboes with BT 14 T.K. And T.K. is what allows Vaccine to setup it's security so that Patamon doesn't whiff.



    24 күн бұрын

    My other reasoning for NOT Patamon is because your deck construction of yellow vaccine normally will play more to recovery and chalking the deck more with monsters rather than options. Built improperly (at least from my experience) you can look at security and be like YEAH OPTION CARDS, but Patamon doesn't get any value.

  • @t0shikita42
    @t0shikita4225 күн бұрын

    I could see heavens judgement also getting hit. Now that we are receiving more tripled colored Digimons, heavens will become problematic.



    23 күн бұрын

    True! It's kind of amusing that Bandai has created three colored Digimon with yellow and green at least as one of the colors which makes this card very good. But ultimately I don't see them hitting it because it's a one or two copy card that doesn't promote unhealthy play. Powerful board removal? Yes.

  • @t0shikita42


    23 күн бұрын

    @DIGI-PANDA right, but the problem will arrive in the frontiers box. Human spirits along with just emperor or MagnaGaruru on board together could be a -42,000 DP on a whole board. Which is why they might restrict it to 1 possibly when the time arrives.

  • @liumwastaken
    @liumwastaken24 күн бұрын

    ban promos not ukkomon >:(



    24 күн бұрын

    Frankly, the orders for the promo Ukkomon are already done, they could just as easily just restrict it and be done with it.

  • @masterlinktm
    @masterlinktm25 күн бұрын

    I do not see magnaX itself being hit. As the card itself is not that problematic. I think Emissary of Hope, Awakening of the Golden Knight, and Blinding Ray getting hit would make more sense. As the problem with the card is how easily it can replace the stack even after losing it. Patamon I think is fine, considering a bunch of other decks can do something similar and the amount of times I have seen pata wiff and just sit there waiting to die is too much.



    23 күн бұрын

    Of all the cards mentioned, Emissary and Awakening of the Golden Knight are probably the cards I see most likely getting the limitation. Blinding Ray is a little harder for me.

  • @masterlinktm


    23 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA Agreed

  • @shadowjeric
    @shadowjeric24 күн бұрын

    I really do think both ukkomon need to go.



    24 күн бұрын

    Most are on board with this one. I myself think one could go now, the other later.

  • @Dio____Brando
    @Dio____Brando25 күн бұрын




    25 күн бұрын

    Deletion protection and DP reduction protection are huge. Buuuuuuuuuut I do think it's more so to prevent the unga bunga aspect of Alphamon. Still... dorugoramon could've used something :(

  • @4sayk3n
    @4sayk3n25 күн бұрын

    Monzaemon x should just hit to 1 and that's it .



    25 күн бұрын

    I definitely debated between the two. Numemon or Monzaemon. And even in texting.. it honestly felt like Ukko was the real problem.

  • @SoulXCross.
    @SoulXCross.25 күн бұрын

    Greymon X Virus to 4.



    25 күн бұрын

    I'm very curious how a format would look with this Digimon at 4 copies again. While yes, the digivolution cost reduction was crazy - with the fact that there are training options, most decks can do this now too while also getting searchability as well. With other cards like Patamon and Agumon being able to skip the cost factor... I'm curious. But I don't know if Bandai will bite.

  • @bobakitty6575
    @bobakitty657525 күн бұрын

    I think there will probably be a limit to BT16 Ukkomon. It's pretty damn good but annoying to play against.



    25 күн бұрын

    Ohhhh interesting! I think the memory gain from the promo one is also valid.

  • @DevDoesDigimon


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA Why not both? I could see Bandai hitting both.

  • @tbyhmes1184
    @tbyhmes118425 күн бұрын

    Don’t forget that promo ukko just laughs at”1” emperor. So emperor loses his purpose to steal turn when ukko comes out of raising.



    25 күн бұрын

    That's one of the big things that I didn't like about Promo Ukkomon. You get to hatch AND gain a memory? Value.

  • @tbyhmes1184


    25 күн бұрын

    Yea never punished. You’d need to get 2 emperors to actually make a difference. Lol. At least with bt16 ukko. You choke them at 1 with an emperor. You call it a day.

  • @Go4TheKneez
    @Go4TheKneez24 күн бұрын

    Nume X and Pata need to go.



    24 күн бұрын

    I find Patamon and Agumon to be similar.. While the memory gain off Patamon is huge, the free digivolution aspect has been introduced with Agumon into Greymon, BT16 Patamon into an angel or free trait Digimon from hand reduced by 1 and even Salamon gains access to the trash. I think there are clear similar cards that if you limit one, should the others be hit due to similarity?

  • @Leonardovideogoes
    @Leonardovideogoes25 күн бұрын

    Deus ex-machin and walking retcon that ruin the lore of adventures, Deus ex-machin



    24 күн бұрын

    Ha ha. I still haven't seen the movie.

  • @Leonardovideogoes


    24 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA This movie will ruin the adventures lore again, every new adventures product only makes the lore worse

  • @klongwright-vf8ry
    @klongwright-vf8ry25 күн бұрын

    It feels like the community could stand to get a tad less “YoUr DeCk dOeS tOo mUcH”. I say this because that’s how it felt playing Fanglong, Red Hybrid, Wargrey, etc. there are always decks that I think are too broken and too strong. One point I’ve not heard anyone make is pricing. Numemon is way cheaper to make than the other top decks, so more people play it simply because they can afford it. I don’t play Magna because it’s too much money. Banning nume to the point the deck doesn’t work appeases some in the community, but those into playing that digimon stand to have their deck hit because others don’t like it. If that happened to RH there would have been outrage, too black blue Magnamon, there would be outrage. Ukkomon pr makes a lot of decks viable. And really, everyone can play any deck, so if the frustration is that they’re losing to the deck, then they can just make their own deck. If winning is really all that matters. A new format is upon us, and we’ll see how it goes. Our NA market could stand to gain some innovation



    25 күн бұрын

    You've made a lot of valid arguments, and I think there will always be one or two decks that naturally out compete everybody else. I think for me, it's also the matter of how long does the deck have in regards to shelf life? Many decks seem to just fall off after one or two formats until additional support breaths them some new life. I think the promo Ukkomon is unhealthy for the fact that it gains you memory and promotes another egg. Versus the bT16 variant that can promote you a new egg but it also comes at 1 memory cost when evo'ing and looking at the top 3 for a resource. Innovation is rare at least for now until the sets merge.

  • @nekobrando9752
    @nekobrando975225 күн бұрын

    I absolutely cant see pata getting hit to 1, emissary and tk would be better choice to restrict because if you hit pata, you effectively absolutely kill the angel deck coming in ex6, just make that pata cant be played with magna and rapif z



    25 күн бұрын

    Emissary to 1 or Choice Restrict I think would be the best choice here.

  • @nekobrando9752


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA agree here, its only played in armor vaccine and isnt that good in regular versions of yellow angels. I would also say that revelation of light could also be a niche choice to restrict

  • @phoenixwright784
    @phoenixwright78425 күн бұрын

    The Ukkomon engine is the only thing I think needs to be fully hit. It can simply be used in far to many decks to absurd levels. Yellow vaccine does NOT need to be hit. Yellow Vaccine was fine in bt 14, fine in ex 5, fine in bt 15. If there's any problems with the color, it was something specifically brought to the deck in bt 16. MagnaX specifically. A hit or choice restrict to MagnaX and Yellow vaccine is fine. Hit Patamon and Yellow basically no longer exists as a color competitively. Emissary of Hope is a card that requires setup to be good and gets worse as the game goes on. It really isn't as similar to Hidden Potential as people like to claim. T.K. is fine, I don't think anyone really thinks it needs a hit so I won't comment further on that.



    25 күн бұрын

    I agree with all your points. I go back and forth on whether there's truly an issue with yellow vaccine. I see both sides with my only argument being closest to Emissary of Hope. In late game and no security you're right, it functionally has no purpose.

  • @phoenixwright784


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDA My main issue with the side that argues that Yellow vax needs to be hit is that many of them have been saying that Yellow vax needed to get hit even back in bt 14, long before the deck was really doing anything. Considering that Yellow vax is currently the only traditional yellow deck that's seen any competitive viability meaning that a hit to it would essentially kill the entire color, something that rang especially true back in bt 14 but still seems to mostly ring true in future sets (from what I can tell, the new angel support in ex 6 doesn't really seem to push angel base yellow decks that far, I don't think I saw a single sakuyamon list doing anything, I saw a couple lists for the new puppet deck, about the same amount that I saw for angels/mastemon... The only yellow deck that seems to still do especially well even in future sets is yellow vaccine, specifically the variant that uses the armor digimon like Magnax ), it leads me to believe that the folks arguing for Yellow vax to get hit are mainly arguing from a place of bias against yellow as a whole, not in terms of balance. Regardless of their arguments. Like, the strongest point in favor of hitting Yellow Vax is that the engine is super generic and could be limiting to Yellow's card design.... But I mean, is it really? Bandai can make non-vaccine yellow cards and archtypes (as shown by that puppet deck, not to mention the already existing Yellow hybrid and Sakuyamon, the latter of which could use, like, 3 sets of support to be maybe kinda viable, lol ), not all yellow vaccine cards support the yellow vaccine deck (shinegreymon and it's support is nearly exclusively ran in shinegrey with very little shinegrey cards also being ran in yellow vaccine. Sometimes you'll see the old yellow rizegreymon in yellow vax lists, bt 13 Geogrey is obviously ran in many yellow vax lists, Ruin mode is ran but, uh... that card's a different beast entirely and has no bearing on this argument imo, and in terms of new support, some lists seem to run the new burst ace but being a level 7, that hardly has any bearing on the vaccine engine itself and was also ran in that new puppet deck if I'm not mistaking. I wanna say that's it for Shinegrey stuff that's also ran in yellow vaccine. I just don't believe The yellow vax engine has been shown to be nearly as limiting to Yellow's card design as people make it out to be. So as it stands, that argument kinda goes out the window for me. Wake me up when it actually looks like Yellow vaccine is limiting bandai's card design for Yellow because I certainly don't want that. Right. The longer the game goes on, the less likely we are to have targets in our security for emissary of hope to even hit. Granted, we are a yellow deck so we can constantly add cards to our security... Usually from the top of our deck though so we won't know if those new cards will actually be the right target for our emissary play unless after we heal we also play something to let us check or otherwise setup our security.... Yes, security is like a second hand for Yellow. But it's a second hand that we don't always know the contents of so trying to do stuff like evolve from it is a lot riskier than from our actual hand or trash. A card like Hidden Potential is good at basically all points of the game. We don't have to worry about Hidden Potential missing or having to setup to prevent it from missing. All of this is why emissary isn't comparable to Hidden Potential. All of this is ignoring that emissary isn't as generically useful as Hidden Potential discovered (HPD can be used when digivolving into any green digimon while emissary is limited to level 6 or lower yellow vaccine digimon. Yellow vaccine may in itself be fairly generic, but still no where near as generic as HPD ) and that emissary deals yourself a damage unless you have T.K. out while HPD is basically entirely free. I'd say that suspending a digimon is much less of a cost than dealing yourself a damage. I don't believe any part of yellow vaccine needs to be hit. Yellow Vax did not become a problem until bt 16 and from what I can tell, it's the bt 16 stuff, Magnax basically, that continues to be a problem going forward. Does Magnax itself need to be hit? I dunno. But a choice restriction between Magnax and yellow vax is probably the way to go unless non-yellow vax versions of Magnax prove to be problematic as well. I've seen some comment that the big thing about yellow vax Magnax compared to veemon magnax was that the yellow vax version had a better matchup against Numemon, so perhaps if Numemon gets hit, the veemon variant of magnax will begin to see far more results then the yellow vax variant, I dunno.

  • @Salty010
    @Salty01025 күн бұрын

    Get ready another stupid meta mother shoto 15k dp untouchable 🤣



    25 күн бұрын

    I've been having a lot of fun making untouchable Mother a blocker XD

  • @Salty010


    25 күн бұрын

    @@DIGI-PANDAits freakin anoying possible another simillar deck like ukko nume and yellow magnaX 😔 some says ragnaloard had potential to by pass it but the problem the deck too slow 😢



    25 күн бұрын

    @@Salty010 I lowkey want Ragnaloardmon to succeed ha ha.

  • @KuroganeIDragon56
    @KuroganeIDragon5625 күн бұрын

    I don't think any of these cards are worth banning/restricting. If we unrestrict/unban everything, then that should stop numemon.



    25 күн бұрын

    In some ways, if we were to unrestrict/unban everything, the hilarious thing is I think this would actually solve the issue of draws because now you suddenly have a lot of BRRRRR decks that otk in one turn. But this could also be unhealthy in many regards.
