Did you know that many eye doctors miss the symptoms of binocular vision dysfunction (BVD) during ro

Did you know that many eye doctors miss the symptoms of binocular vision dysfunction (BVD) during routine exams? That's because they often check how each eye works individually, rarely assessing how your eyes work together as a team. If you've been struggling with these symptoms for years with no clear cause, it might be time to see a behavioral optometrist for prism glasses and vision therapy. These symptoms often flare up at the supermarket due to the intense visual stimulus that the brain & eye muscles struggle to deal with (bright lights, crowded shelves, and constant movement). #BVD #VisionTherapy #PrismGlasses #EyeHealth #BehavioralOptometry #binocularvisionmatters #panicattacks #anxiety #doublevision #hazyvision #vision #supermarket #supermarketanxiety #supermarketlighting
