Design Your Life: Using Design Thinking Principles To Build a Joyful Life

How do you move forward in career and life transitions when you are feeling stuck? Fear of failure & indecision can hold us back from taking that next step with confidence. Designing Your Life is a fresh approach from Stanford University using design-thinking principles traditionally applied in product design to design the next chapter of your life story. This step-by-step design process pushes you to re-frame assumptions and engages you in an iterative process of curiosity and creative problem solving to build your way forward at any age.
You Will Learn How to:
• Assess your current situation and take stock of what gives you energy & engages your strengths
• Brainstorm to generate new ideas
• Prototype the next chapter to test what works for you before you fully commit to any transition
Katie Selby (M.Ed. 2002) has been helping young professionals navigate career & life transitions for more than 20 years through her roles as career coach, college recruiter, and leadership educator. Katie is founder and principal coach of QuarterLife Coach LLC.
Sarah Wojnicki Smith is the Assistant Director of Student Engagement at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Sarah is an experienced professional who has worked at many colleges and universities across the Midwest supporting, leading, and advocating for students and helping them find their voice and purpose.
