Demon Hunter- Chemicals (Visualizer)


DISCLAIMER: I did not make this song 👇🏼
Requests can he made in the comments :)
Artist- Demon Hunter
Album- EXILE
Publisher- Weapons MFG
Adding to the list of modern day crises is of course the acceleration of drug and alcohol addiction.
“If what I'm expressing about social media and the internet at large is true, these epidemics unfortunately make perfect sense. If technological entities that appear so valuable are in fact completely value, then gravitating to substances in an attempt to fill a perpetual void seems inevitable. The internet promised us escape, but it enslaved us instead. Now we look for escape elsewhere.
It's not enough that living out our lives online often makes us feel like garbage. To make matters worse, some of the most destructive substances are glamorized and endorsed by popular culture. I remember being young and experiencing the lure of drugs and alcohol... but I don't remember it ravaging our youth the way it does today. We're living in an entirely new and accessible world of numb.
I wrote this song near the tail end of the demo session for this album. When we've got most of the songs ready for an album I start to consider what kind of songs are "missing" from the batch. In the past, it's usually the ripping barn-burners that are written last. For some reason those kind of songs are never my first inclination when writing.
When I approached "Chemicals," I wanted to write something mid-tempo and groovy with vocals that are somewhat operatic. What can I say? I'd been listening to a lot of Evergrey at the time. It started with the chorus vocal - which I wrote in the shower- and the rest came very quickly when I sat down to flesh out the whole song.”
-Ryan Clark

