Democracy as Climate Resilience: Faithful Resilience Webinar #3


Climate resilience is defined as Climate Mitigation + Climate Adaptation + Deep Democracy. But what is Deep Democracy, and why is it crucial for climate resilience?
Watch this webinar recording, part of our “Faithful Preparedness, Faithful Resilience” series to learn how your community can become a resilience hub by engaging in the democratic process. We explore the intersection of voting, public policy, and climate justice with insights from our distinguished speakers:
• Dr. Kathleen Bonnette is on staff with the Center on Faith and Justice and an adjunct lecturer of theology at Georgetown University.
• Chris Crawford is a policy strategist at Protect Democracy. His work is focused on ensuring free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power, including staffing the National Task Force on Election Crises and managing the Faith in Elections Playbook in partnership with Interfaith America.

