DCUO | Elite+ Content BUT Feats? (Debate / Rant) | iEddy Gaming


Let's talk about the feats in Elite+ Content in DCUO. Are they necessary? Should we have feats in Elite Plus content? In this video, I will give my opinion about the feats in Elite+ content in DC Universe Online. Enjoy! =)
- iEddy
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Пікірлер: 44

  • @iEddyGaming
    @iEddyGaming Жыл бұрын

    Hi! I am Eddy and I like turtles. 👋

  • @babasemka


    Жыл бұрын

    Hi, I am Turtle and I like Eddies 😘

  • @babasemka
    @babasemka Жыл бұрын

    That's why I liked Survival mode - you get the fun and you get an unique cosmetic (and later a title) which you can use to brag about your success in said mode. Having feats attached to content that only a few can get is stupid for me as well. It would be OK if you can get the feats later when you are 30 CR higher, get your buddies, rush through it and get the feats, but the stats clamp is making it not as OK 😂

  • @iEddyGaming


    Жыл бұрын

    That's the thing. Even after 10-20CR up.. The elite+ raids or Critical raids are not do-able for most of the playerbase. So attaching feats to that is just cuckoo 😂😂

  • @1nputted
    @1nputted Жыл бұрын

    I can't do elite plus but I enjoy that they put feats in it kinda motivates me to try it

  • @jfernandez7176
    @jfernandez7176 Жыл бұрын

    I am fine with Feats in Elite+. If DCUO was more consistent with content drops, then feats would be unnecessary. But, drops typically fail to meet the demand by players who grind for gear or feats/titles. And for the record, I have yet to do an Elite+ run and probably never will. My league and I barely do Elite runs so Elite+ is not an option. Mostly because we're adults and our regular lives kick in often. 🤗

  • @crizzy-locco
    @crizzy-locco Жыл бұрын

    Big and True Facts yo

  • @666coldblood
    @666coldblood Жыл бұрын

    Facts 💯

  • @Guttex
    @Guttex Жыл бұрын

    "So the only reason to run Elite+ is to challenge yourself, and see where you stand as a player, and to check your skill level (...) am i right?".....Yes, you are right, and for years confirmation of what you mention.....are feats. Its sad that players kinda stop understand what is meaning of feats in this game, and start treat them as consolation prize - "ok, i showed up, been here for 15min, so give me a feat". This is how feats system should work? I really doubt anybody sane would like that. For example i have around 740 sp, and im only missing some very hard Elite+, PvP, LPvP, and some expensive materials feats. And how players who got those PvP (or LPvP), materials feats, who spend time on playing atm dead PvP, spend time on boring LPvP, and spent their money to get materials would feel if feats would be removed from them, only because I (or somebody else) refuse to pay for materials, play boring LPvP or play broken PvP? Like said above, feats are confirmation of something, or your play skills, or your big wallet, or your persistance on spending time on something, so dont make feats a consolation prize. Only thing what i would change in Elite+ would be time when they go to Omnibus. So players who cant beat them atm, would have more time to do it before their stats/CR be clamped in Omnibus version. If they wont be able to beat it after, lets say 7 or 8 new episodes release time, then it would mean problem for them wasnt that Elite+ was too hard, only they are not enough focused or commited to do them.

  • @HiHi-yk1mv
    @HiHi-yk1mv Жыл бұрын

    Why does daybreak continue to allow things to go unbalanced? I am so tired of losing to a prec dps when I’m specifically might this is not fun anymore. They said they made the revamp to specifically make it based on skill and cr. Why can someone with lower cr beat me period point blank they seriously don’t know what they are doing at this point.

  • @CrazyDayy
    @CrazyDayy Жыл бұрын

    Hey Eddie, a question unrelated to the video (If you read this). Through your videos I see you always have different powers with your main character "iEddy", and by different power, I mean different power roles. That means you are switching between healer powers, troll powers and tank powers. As a player that don't have that much time to invest in an alt, or buy skill points into a new alt, or level artifacts from scratch, I was wondering if you have any tips for switching power roles. For example, wait for double XP to not get loss on swapping arts, which power to choose, when, what to farm, basically the most efficient way to make the swap. This can even be a video idea, I know a lot of players including my self are dying to make the change, but can't because of artifacts etc. So if you have an answer, a tip or even make a video of it (because we see you swap all the time) I think many players would love to see it, just a suggestion!

  • @iEddyGaming


    Жыл бұрын

    Hey man! Good idea but a very short answer lol I have three alts. If you see my latest videos like since 2021. My main iEddy is Dps and Troller. iHazard is Tank and Soir is Healer. I switch powers on iEddy to do all dps powers but I don't run healer or tank on iEddy. For the artifacts, I have done few things, I collect and save as much Nth Metal XP I can over the year, I buy from broker too, save marks so I can get it from Dr. Fate vendor, then as soon as 2x Artifact XP event comes, I level up my artifacts. But trust me its a very slow process if you are running alts and leveling up their artifacts. My healer artis are still 160, 160, 160, 200. My Tank's artifacts are all 160. If you still want me to do video on this and explain a bit more, I would be happy to. Lmk 😊👊

  • @CrazyDayy


    Жыл бұрын

    @@iEddyGaming Hey! Thank you very much for the response, I understand now that iEddy only dps when switching to different role powers. And yes, I know it is a slow process, I just don't have the time and resources to invest in an alt, getting/buying feats and certainly no time for getting dailies with my main and an alt. So I've been a tank for some time, a couple of years, and I really love it, I just feel like a change, you explained it very well, you don't have to make a video on it for me, but I don't know how many people are in a situation like me and want to make that kind of change, so it's really up to you. Thanks again!

  • @ZWGames
    @ZWGames Жыл бұрын

    the only time i do e+ is for fun and to see how much dmg i can do .so basically to test ma self otherwise its pointless and worthless ( wast of time )

  • @creedxxd1594
    @creedxxd1594 Жыл бұрын

    That why u gotta befriend a speedhacker

  • @iEddyGaming


    Жыл бұрын


  • @user-fp7to2hp3x
    @user-fp7to2hp3x Жыл бұрын

    I think there should be feats in E+, especially this E+ content. What’s the difference for people who cant beat Elite content but can beat regular? Should there no longer be feats in Elite because a father of 7 kids with 6 jobs who plays for 8 seconds a day can’t beat Elite content too? Where do we draw the line and why? “Because that’s the way it’s always been” has and will never be a good counterpoint. Especially in a game that’s soon to be 12 years old. You want those hard feats? Get on E+ level just like you had to get on Elite level. People have become complacent in their skill, improve and beat E+. This isn’t TSWE+ level of difficulty, this E+ is like regular Elite… If you can’t get on E+ level, then that content just isn’t for you and the reality is you’re a Hardstuck Reg or Hardstuck Elite player.

  • @GODzone07


    Жыл бұрын

    Bruh can this comment get any realer??? lmao Haha I swear this analogy it’s the problem with dcuo player base… they feel entitled to every single content just because they play the game and put a few bucks in it buying the membership, TCs and whatever else they buy from the marketplace. Like NO. Things don’t workout that way. If you not good at the game just get good. Simple. I’d really would like to know Eddy’s perspective of your comment 😂

  • @iEddyGaming


    Жыл бұрын

    My perspective is what I said in the video. I don't mind running elite+, it's a challenge, I like it. But I am not talking about myself here. Im speaking for rest of the community. My point is if something was specifically launched for that 2% players, then feats shouldn't be involved but styles/titles etc. should. Anyways just my opinion. I don't have any problem with K's or your opinion. 😊

  • @GODzone07


    Жыл бұрын

    @@iEddyGaming I understand that but thinking that content it’s only for the 2% it’s a misconception. Like K stated, if a player improved his skills he would be able to play the harder content. Just as a player had to improve to run regular and elite content they have to improve to run elite plus too. And taking feats away from elite plus doesn’t solve anything in my opinion since if it were like that the devs should also eliminate feats from the elite content for the players who can only run the regular content. Personally I think we should try to make the community get better as a whole instead of hand feeding everything for the people who don’t want to put in the work. Like I’ve always said, those who run elite plus aren’t gods or anything like that lol they had to put in effort to get there.

  • @user-fp7to2hp3x


    Жыл бұрын

    @@iEddyGaming I’m looking forward to and hoping that Obs does a feat count video for this E+ like he did for TSWE, sure speedhackers skew the numbers, but there’s definitely more people able to beat this E+ content than TSWE+, I’ve seen ROEE+ tanked on a 164SP 120 art rage toon, it’s really not hard. This isn’t as P2W content as TSWE+ was, this is about skill and awareness, and if you don’t have it, then you just don’t have it. How many SP are even the feats from this content E+? 5 or 7? If you can’t beat this E+ then there is 1000% chance you can get those SP from way older content, if not, then the reality is you’re just not on that level. Nothing wrong with that, the 5-7 SP you’ll be missing won’t matter in reg content regardless… Like it or not, the company makes it’s dime from the small % diehard players way more than the casual players, you cater to the majority of the players that keep the lights on. That’s the reason they aren’t banning dupe glitchers to this day & everyone who exploited the atlantian pack and the art glitch never got perm’d. They can’t afford it. It’s sad, but it’s the truth

  • @dragonpee
    @dragonpee Жыл бұрын

    116.8 skill points are locked behind Time Capsules/lootboxes. Elite + requires strong artifacts, artifacts cost money or A LOT of time dedicated to the game. Elite+ feats are there to make Daybreak Money, plain and simple. Also they don't ban speed hackers because they buy items to boost their artifacts.

  • @-LoNova
    @-LoNova Жыл бұрын

    Remember the devs will listen to us 1% be we are 99% or there revenue..

  • @mchouse3
    @mchouse3 Жыл бұрын

    I agree and disagree to an extent. For tswe+ yes was and still is extremely hard ( kindof doable now but not really) this time elite plus is really easy like I qued randomly and beat it and got some feats just running through it. People are complaining this is too easy. I think this time around elite plus is more accessible to most end game players. It’s really the community that gate keeps these things but hey different conversation

  • @iEddyGaming


    Жыл бұрын

    It was definitely very easy ... for us elite players xD But they buffed the health and mechanics a little bit yesterday. So, people who were stuck at last boss...now gonna be stuck at first boss haha

  • @roboninja3194


    Жыл бұрын

    No it's not the community. Months back I had a friend telling me "Tomorrow this/that/other will be changed in the elite raid." Nothing had been announced or posted publicly. There was no public discussion about these changes either. The next day came and there is a hotfix with these exact changes this person told me about. Now how could someone know that info? Only possible way is if they're talking to the devs in private. Certain people are being listened to while the vast majority are ignored. A small group of players should not be controlling changes made to elite and elite+ content. And just because this elite+ is easier doesn't mean future ones will be. Tswe+ is not easy. 95% or more of players cannot do it. We as players have no idea how difficult it will be until it releases. If it's easier all that means is for that specific episode it's available to a larger group of players. The next 3 episodes it could very difficult. So when I say no it's not the community I mean it's the developers and their relationship with a very small group of players is where the root of the problem is.

  • @mchouse3


    Жыл бұрын

    @@roboninja3194 I still think it’s a community thing. They rely on the small group of testers cause not a lot of people are testing ( for many reasons) but if everyone decided that in order to run something you need to have 200 arts guess what the first person kicked after a wipe or even before the start is the one with the 2 180 arts and 1 200 art. Back when gates was the hardest raid you had have a min sp to get in any group and if didn’t good luck. These are things that we decided as a community. We want buff trolls now we have em and a lot of them can’t throw enough power. We wanted solo heals now the healer dies we have no back up and wipe. The raids were intended to be 2-2-2-2 and we as a community decided that’s not effective so take one heal and one troll add more dps’s.

  • @Lamourboy


    Жыл бұрын

    @@roboninja3194 It's on forums: TheLQ-DCUO said: ↑ “I did post in the dev discussion threads, so not sure which one is the main feedback for e+. However: All bosses could do with a general buff for health and damage dealt, especially weapon attacks and any counterable/interruptible mechanics. Neron in NUE+ especially as it doesn't feel much different from regular elite. Regarding the Neron fight in NUE+: Is Hellfire Curse working as intended? It happens so infrequently that I'm wondering if it's bugged or not working as intended. Neron's Fireball when it explodes should KO any nearby player in range who isn't blocking. Also Underworld Admonishment (the stomp you do in form) should KO any players in range who aren't blocking, similar to Proma's Eternal Anguish in SWE+. Other suggestions/improvements: Black Alice in ROEE+: Have more players get the Fateful Contempt trailing AOE mechanic than just one person after Black Alice gets both Shazam and Doctor Fate's powers. (1-4 players) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More purple pools throughout the map.” Bosses will have more health after next update. Their dps is already much, much higher in Elite Plus than in Elite. Neron should also use Hellfire Curse more often and Black Alice should use Fateful Contempt more often. I'll look into some of the other things. - Quixotic forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/episode-44-elite-plus.326008/page-2#post-4554904 I 100% agree with you. So, you're right, just a few were crying about elite pluses are too easy so they buffed them. This is how it works. But it was public tho.

  • @jnosnk
    @jnosnk Жыл бұрын

    It's actually pretty fair, noobs with money in their pocket get their time capsule scam feats and a skilled player gets his elite + feats , we need more feats on elite plus than on time capsule actually to reinforce getting gud , rather than buying your feats. At least that's how I see it

  • @Shadow497
    @Shadow497 Жыл бұрын

    Yes there should be feats. No point in running it if you gain nothing. Yes speed hackers are in those groups too. As well as regular elite raids. You should get rewards or a reason to run it. If that's the case they should take feats out of elite too because that's "unfair " to casual players

  • @KidBuu651
    @KidBuu651 Жыл бұрын

    I'd say I'm a Casual player, but I am striving to play more Elite content. I strongly disagree with your view on Elite Plus Content because it's counter-intuitive. You say that the E+ feats are "unreachable" to casual players, but that's not the issue; it's impatience. Too many players will leave an instance after ONE wipe, they'll be toxic players who scold or kick new players for not knowing things despite it being their first time on the content. In order to grow; you must push themselves past their limits. Although Speed Hackers can act as a shortcut; a player still must be knowledgeable of the mechanics of the content they're doing. You can't progress as a player by cutting corners, I learned that lesson hard after I CR skipped my level 30 villain. I let my short-sighted ambitions of fun cloud my judgment. I would have A LOT more SP if I worked my way up T6. I have to wait for hours queuing up old content to catch up. It can be an overwhelming task, but be patient; Don't try to get every feat in a single sit-in, try to get a feat or two each time you play. You can acquire 500-600+ SP without touching any E+ content.

  • @mallwilliams8695
    @mallwilliams8695 Жыл бұрын

    I remember when electric dps was trash

  • @MidnightGamer7775
    @MidnightGamer7775 Жыл бұрын

    Every single MMO has some type of reward for the harder content, while some even having GEAR that only drop in it. DCUO has feats, which in my opinion are meaningless in the current state of the game with artifacts and all that. Also, if you can’t get feats in elite plus in this episode you should consider getting better at the game….this + content is nowhere near the last episode elite + content, which should make it easier for the players who somewhat feel left out whenever they add the “harder” content. INCONCLUSIVENESS IS NOT ALWAYS GRANTED lol even in sports you have some type of “content” that only the best of the best can play for. If not they be handing championships/world cups to every single team in whatever the sport 😂

  • @roboninja3194
    @roboninja3194 Жыл бұрын

    Mepps claims they won't make new power sets because less than 5% of players will switch. Yet the devs will spend resources and time on elite+ content that is clearly made for the 1%. This makes no sense. If you read the forum thread on the elite+ feats topic Obsidian Chill says elite+ feats/rewards should stay but a few weeks ago he said pvp feats should be given away because pvp is unplayable. Well elite+ is unplayable for most players. Another point, most of the elitists get their gear/feats the 1st 2-3 weeks after an episode goes live then they vanish to go play other games. Why are the devs spending time/using resources on 1% of the population who barely plays the game? Why does a certain group of players have influence over what changes get made to elite and elite+ content? Everyone knows it's going on. That certain people speak to the devs privately and the overwhelming majority of feedback given publicly is ignored.

  • @EcoDrive007
    @EcoDrive007 Жыл бұрын

    I don't mind if they attach feats to Elite+, if there were no feat you just do it once and done, you dont want to do it, but if there is feats, thats an extra challange, which adds to the thrill. The devs not gonna make elite+ exlcusive styles, more player would complain about that they cant get that style than they cant get a feat (not to mention it's less work than styles). And what if you miss a feat or 2, its not gonna impact your stats that much. If a player is above 600 sp, that should be more than enough and you dont need to do E+ to reach 600sp. If you are a casual player or elite player who just want to finish renown, why does it bother you that you miss feats from a dlc? There has to be a challange that is nearly impossible so people won't get bored after 2 weeks. There has to be something that you can't buy with only money, you need skills and teamwork to do it. On the other hand it's very sad when people do it with speed hackers, but i have faith in that there are players who wants to do it the legal way.

  • @edwinbasa2804
    @edwinbasa2804 Жыл бұрын

    Eddy, u forgot try hards lol

  • @iEddyGaming


    Жыл бұрын

    Hahaha that's just a frowned upon name for Pro players 😉🤣

  • @mikespecter3602
    @mikespecter3602 Жыл бұрын

    Attaching feats to Elite plus is stupid

  • @TheLQGaming
    @TheLQGaming Жыл бұрын

    Yes there should be feats (with SP) for elite plus. It gives incentive to run elite plus more regularly for the endgame player base. Issue with having rewards exclusive to elite plus is that it doesn't solve the problem. The casuals/cosplayers who want those rewards will either want elite plus nerfed considerably or have some other way of getting said rewards. Keep elite plus coming with feats with SP. I don't understand why people feel they need to have every single feat. You can have 400-700SP without running elite plus and still perform your role just fine. Many endgame players don't have over 700SP. This is a common misconception of the endgame community. Play the game your way, get the feats you need through collecting styles and/or running elite plus. Taking away feats (that reward SP) from elite plus is a negative move imo.

  • @MidnightGamer7775


    Жыл бұрын

    Yep I agree with this 100%, the problem is that nowadays people feel like they’re entitled to everything everyone has just because.

  • @dTayeb
    @dTayeb Жыл бұрын

    So if I get this right, what you call "elite players" cant get elite plus feats so devs should remove elite plus feats.. but then some "casual players" also cant get "regular elite" feats so if I follow your logic they should also remove elite feats and wait.. cosplayers cant get regular feats so remove all content feats and stick to ONLY style feats, because thats better and more fair :) From the start I could tell this video wasn't going to be good because you say that "elite plus players" just want this to compare and say i have a bigger "pencil" than yours.. there might be some people like that yeah but dont you think that there also are people who just like a challenge ?? Your argument is we have a job we have children etc.. ok, so what ? Can you imagine if we used this logic in real life ? Just like i read one the previous comment, you had to get better in order to get elite feats, now get better to get elite plus feats.. or maybe you are the hard stuck elite players who actually wants to compare "pencil size" but is frustrated that he cant?

  • @mikespecter3602


    Жыл бұрын

    Rofl eddy got on your nerves brah 🤣

  • @Rei_Tatekei
    @Rei_Tatekei Жыл бұрын

    No issue if it is kept the way it is, elite plus is an extra incentive designed for the sweatiest of sweaty players or whoever has connections with those llllll players to help them clear it. You’re pretty much set when you have your arts and allies maxed, and your main stat maxed and at least 100 in secondary stats sp wise. The 500-600 sp mark is achievable without elite plus.
