One year ago it first entered my mind to attempt going sober, I never really had what others describe as a "Drinking Problem" but I was always conscious who I drank with, and I noticed that my anxiety would peak in the days following a drinking session or night out, even a simple glass of wine would ignite some type of anxious feeling.
fast forward to June 2019 & a coaching client and a friend were both going through 2 separate situations and the subject of "having a drink" or "drinking" kept resurfacing. I shared the idea of being alcohol free through this period and how that might look, we unpacked it, explored it and put it away. that was until I was on holiday in July with my friend who revisited the idea and asked about whether I would consider going sober with them for 2 months as an experiment, as this was something id thought about earlier in the year and I was playing with it as an idea, of course I was up for it. so on the 14th July 2019 it was day 1. and guess what, nothing was different, theses changes for me weren't instant, it was however comforting to know that I wouldn't have an anxious induced chocking feeling one morning without warning.
Throughout the process I had many conversations with various people and still now people ask me about particular hurdles they deem would be difficult. I did confide in a friend about m coming to visit them, but not drinking and my worry would be that it wouldn't be the experience they would have hoped and this previous drinking buddy was more than accepting of my new sobriety. I don't know why I felt the need to ask if it was ok before I came to visit, but I did. what would have happened if she wasn't as understanding? would I have gone & drank to fit into that mould or would I have not booked. what would you have done?/Do?
of course I also read up on all things going sober even delving into habits and how they affect us all. im an ex smoker so im familiar with kicking a daily habit so not drinking is easy? not necessarily, there is a lot more pressure from society to drink. so many social engagements are based on assuming you're going to get drunk.
I found out I like going out, I like dancing and hey, I even worked on a show which as the host I am actively encouraging people to drop their inhibitions, have a drink and scream YMCA whilst doing the actions. I love it. all the while I realise while doing these things, the drunk people don't know im sober, more fun. (I can drive home, you can't Walk). everyone who drinks is an adult who I would like to some taking full responsibility for their own habits and drinking.
so there you go, a snapshot of my first 6 months sober & contrary to my uncles belief, I haven't dried up and am not permenantly dehydrated, because after drinking Guinness there's one thing us Irish are good at & that's drinking TEA lots of it.
the unexpected joy of being sober - Catherine Gray
The power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
instagram: @coachingtheman
if you feel like you have a habit you would like to kick or have ever thought you would like coaching to make change in your life, the life coaching could be the help you need
for more information and to book an introductory session with David
email: David.caulfield15@gmail.com putting "coaching" in the subject
if you feel like you do have a problem with alcohol or drugs please consult a health professional or your local GP.
there is so much that can help you. don't suffer in silence.
