Data Security Scorecard - How to create a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy measurable by KPIs | The number and complexity of cybersecurity challenges have increased over the last decade. A comprehensive data security strategy is a must today.
In this tutorial, we will discuss how to create such a strategy. We will talk about
the root case of data breaches,
the ways to create response strategy and
quantify it with KPIs.
00:00 Introduction
00:32 How Does Cybersecurity Strategy Help?
01:52 Data Security vs. Data Privacy
02:58 Will the Cybersecurity Strategy Prevent Data Breaches? + Reports for reference
03:57 Outcomes and Drivers of Cybersecurity Strategy
05:13 Cybersecurity Strategy Map: Stakeholder’s Interests
06:12 Cybersecurity Strategy Map: Customers
07:11 Weighted Risk Index
07:56 Binary Indicators for Readiness Index
08:38 Cybersecurity Strategy Map: Internal Perspective
12:50 Weighted Index of Data Security Complexity
14:50 Cybersecurity Strategy Map: Learning and Growth Perspective
15:32 Rationale: Analyze Cybersecurity Risks
16:00 Cybersecurity Strategy Map: Learning and Growth Perspective
20:04 Conclusions. What’s next?
Reference articles:
Cybersecurity Scorecard with KPIs for Data Security and Data Protection
KPIs and Scorecard Calculation - Complete Guide
Complexity Metrics and Examples of How to Use Them
