CRAFFIN Easter Kuliches! Simple and very tasty!

CRAFFIN Easter Kuliches! Simple and very tasty!
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Hi everyone, my name is Maryanne and I cook simple and delicious meals for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who:
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Milk - 100 ml
Salt - ⅓ tsp.
Dry yeast - 4g
Egg - 2 units
Butter - 130 g
Sugar - 70 gr
Flour - 500 gr
Lemon zest - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Butter - 100 gr
Candied fruits - 60 gr
Raisins - 60 gr
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
First, you need to knead the dough: in a deep bowl, pour warm milk, add dry yeast (you can use fresh yeast) and salt, mix, and leave the mass for 5 minutes. Then pour warm melted butter, add eggs, sugar, lemon zest and juice, and mix.
Enter the sifted flour in two steps, first you can mix with a spoon or spatula, and then with your hands. Knead the dough well, no more flour should be added. The dough is soft and pliable. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.
Then divide the dough into 5 pieces. Each piece roll out into a thin rectangular layer (I did not measure the size of the resulting layer, it should be very thin, no thicker than 5 mm).
Grease each layer of dough with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar (to taste, I had 4 tablespoons of sugar for the whole loaf), distribute raisins and candied fruits (I pre-soaked raisins in boiling water and dried with paper towels, and cut candied fruits into smaller pieces, you can also use any dried fruits, nuts and even chocolate).
Cut the dough into 4 pieces and twist each piece. Place the dough in a mold and leave to proof for 40 minutes. The diameter of my form is 20 cm, I covered the sides with parchment paper (for the parchment to stick, I smeared butter on the form) . The cake was proofed in the oven, which I preheated to 50⁰C.
Bake the cake at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes, use your oven. Then cool it, and you can serve it. It turns out delicious, soft, moderately sweet, fragrant and tender.
Bon appetit!
And be sure to check out my compilations, there are many more helpful recipes:
▶️ - What to Make for Breakfast ( • Что приготовить на зав... )
▶️ - What to make for lunch/dinner ( • Что приготовить на обе... )
▶️ - What to make for salad ( • Какой приготовить салат )
▶️ - What to make for tea ( • Что приготовить к чаю )
▶️ - What to make for dessert ( • Какой приготовить десерт )
▶️ - Easter Kulich ( • Кулич на Пасху )
#Mariana's Recipes #Easter Kulich #cruffin #kulichcruffin
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