Cooking with the Mr. Men - Mr. Strong savoury cheese muffins recipe


Join Mr. Strong and cook along at home with the recipe details below!
Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking Time 20-25 Min
1 Dessertspoon
1 Teaspoon
1 Cheese grater
1 Muffin tin
2-4 muffin cases
2 mixing bowls
1 Fork
1 Sieve
1 Large egg
2 dessertspoons natural yoghurt
3 dessertspoons vegetable oil
3 dessertspoons strong cheddar cheese, grated
1tsp Worcestershire sauce (optional)
A pinch of mustard powder and Cayenne pepper
2 dessertspoons sweet-corn
Handful of mixed chopped sweet Peppers
Fresh herbs chopped (Chives, Parsley or Coriander)
3-4 dessertspoons self raising flour
¼ tsp baking powder
1. Preheat the oven to 200°C or Gas Mark 6.
2. Crack the egg into a mixing bowl and whisk well with a fork.
3. Add the yoghurt, vegetable oil, grated cheese and Worcestershire sauce and whisk well.
4. Add the self raising flour, baking powder, mustard powder, cayenne pepper to the bowl
and mix all the ingredients to make a very thick batter.
5. Add the sweet-corn, mixed chopped sweet peppers, chopped herbs for extra colour and flavour.
6. Divide the mixture between the muffin cases and bake in the preheated oven for 20-25
minutes until the muffins are golden and springy to the touch. You can test to see if the
muffins are cooked by inserting a metal skewer into the centre of the muffin; if it
comes out clean and not sticky then the muffins are cooked.
7. Remove the muffins from the oven and leave to cool for a few minutes in the tin then
transfer to wire rack and allow the muffins to cool completely before eating.
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