Convert 5.0 L to mL (5 Liters to Milliliters)

To convert 5 liters (L) to milliliters (mL), you can use the following steps. Note that the L will cancel out as you perform the conversion, leaving only mL:
Conversion Factor:
1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL)
Start with the quantity you want to convert (5 L) and set up a ratio where the original unit (L) is in the denominator and the target unit (mL) is in the numerator, using the conversion factor:
Conversion factor: 1000 mL / 1 L
Write the quantity you want to convert (5 L) as a fraction over 1: 5 L / 1
Multiply this fraction by the conversion factor: (5 L / 1) * (1000 mL / 1 L)
Notice that the units of liters (L) in the numerator and denominator cancel out, leaving only the units of milliliters (mL):
(5 * 1000) / (1 * 1) mL = 5000 / 1 mL = 5000 mL
So, 5 L is equivalent to 5000 milliliters. The units of liters cancel out during the conversion process, leaving only milliliters as the final unit.

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  • @saramarthasamson108
    @saramarthasamson10822 күн бұрын

    Great video 👍