Concentrate Barb Uber Tristram Killer - AzureWrath (Version 2)


Diablo 2: Resurrected
Patch: 2.7.0
Uber Mephisto
Level: 110
Hitpoints: 650.000-660.000
% to Block: 50
Physical Damage Resist: 20
Uber Baal
Level: 110
Hitpoints: 650.000-660.000
% to Block: 55
Physical Damage Resist: 50
Uber Diablo
Level: 110
Hitpoints: 650.000-660.000
% to Block: 50
Physical Damage Resist: 50
0:00 prolog
0:24 entering tristram
0:40 brawl over uber mephisto
4:06 brawl over uber diablo
6:51 brawl over uber baal
12:53 tutorial (skills)
14:36 tutorial (gear)
18:36 tutorial (stats)
21:17 zooming at him
21:28 epilog

