Competitive TFT Has a Big Problem


This was a talky video about some of the controversy during Tacticians Trials II and the general TFT competitive format.
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Patch 14.10B
TFT SET 11 Challenger Reroll Guide Teamfight Tactics BEST Comps Beginners Meta Build Ranked Beginners Encounter
#tft #tftset11 #teamfighttactics

Пікірлер: 95

  • @nagatoakira7962
    @nagatoakira7962Ай бұрын

    maybe name plate need to be hided in competitive games.

  • @tekatahk8056


    Ай бұрын

    Not a bad idea



    Ай бұрын


  • @kinOyou


    Ай бұрын

    best advice ever

  • @nagatoakira7962


    Ай бұрын

    @SlinkyJinkyStudio thanks for correcting me i am not native in English

  • @sin_fc3822


    Ай бұрын

    Its a start but they are live streamed with a small delay. They need to - make everyone use default sprite - delay the stream by atleast 20mins - hide names - make more rules in regard to this

  • @soulylive4555
    @soulylive4555Ай бұрын

    Feel like holding the annie 3 is just pure tactical play. He is playing to win the tourney and the chance of that 3rd place knocking a better player out in the future is just 5head. It's literally a tournament which should be the most competitive play for the game, if he was playing with his best interest to win then I see no problem.

  • @brodiebaxter99


    Ай бұрын

    Win trading on ladder is also purely tactical but not allowed. I fail to see how this is any different

  • @XEpiccatX


    Ай бұрын

    Because there isn't any 'trading' (that we know of) happening. If two players agree to something before or during a game that ruins the integrity of the match, then there's an issue. If one person decides to use their advantage in a way that benefits themselves the most, that's tactical play. If this were the final game of the tournament, and that 1st place person NEEDED kurum to go 3rd in order to win the whole thing, this would 100% be seen as a very smart play to ensure their victory. Not sure why that's any different with lower stakes.

  • @Denizel91


    Ай бұрын

    @@brodiebaxter99 Well its not allowed to shoot youre opponent either, but its would be a purely tactical advantage

  • @alpacaduke5041


    Ай бұрын

    @@Denizel91 true but you cant win in prison buddy thats why thats n o common strat but yeah yopu could do that and see what happens xd

  • @strahinjasimic9598


    Ай бұрын

    @@Denizel91this might be the dumbest response ive ever read

  • @thomassteen8317
    @thomassteen8317Ай бұрын

    that first example, the rulebook spirit is actually anti-collusion, not anti-inting. so if they are acting on their own without collusion, its fine. Game integrity would have to be seperately defined or stated. Think how vietnam was caught last set for their collusion, thats what its trying to stop.

  • @vienkyngo5184
    @vienkyngo5184Ай бұрын

    This is a NON ISSUE. The term "griefing" is a term from League and other TEAM based games used to describe a player that is "griefing" or purposely making HIS OWN TEAM lose. You would NOT use griefing to describe a player doing everything he can we make his OPPONENTS lose/do worse. TFT is a 1v7 game where EVERYONE IS YOUR OPPONENT. You cannot grief in TFT where everyone is your opponent and no one is your teammate, except in the case of collusion which in the first case was not collusion. The Annie 3 player simply did everything he can to make sure his opponents would lose/do worse but he did not simply think of it in just that one match. He strategized with the WHOLE TOURNAMENT in mind. By benching his Annie 3 for this match he guarantees that Kurumx(his OPPONENT that he believes to be a strong player) will get a lower score and therefore, possibility, allow him to place higher on the scoreboard ahead of Kurumx. This player gigabrained with the whole tournament in mind and this strategy will be something that every pro player going forward will be utilizing. Think of your placing the whole tournament, not just that one match. Kurumx is justified in feeling frustrated because he's getting the short end of the stick but the other player is not doing anything illegal or against the rule. Kurumx only has himself to blame for not being in a better position in this match and allowing a player to hit Annie 3.

  • @icecreamemperor


    Ай бұрын

    Mostly this. Collusion requires multiple players conspiring together to benefit only one of those players; i.e. playing an individual game as though it were a team game. This creates actual advantages for the group over people competing as individuals, and is therefore potentially a big problem. I don't know if I agree that it's a non-issue, but it's definitely not collusion. I think the larger issue is one of reputation and weird social currency/clout issues resulting in a skewed application of the logic involved, so that better-known (rather than better) players have these sort of (pretty dubious) strategies deployed against them, even in round 1 of a tournament.

  • @ppoverheat6223


    Ай бұрын

    I agree that that should be fine since he did it in order to win the tourney. But what about the situation with rain? The guy griefed his own game and went 8th because he wanted to target grief her. He wasn’t playing to win, he was playing to bring her down. In league, griefing would never happen in a tourney as you don’t have an advantage in making your team lose ever. A bit unfortunate it can be done in tft. I still agree with your main point tho

  • @sam.0021
    @sam.0021Ай бұрын

    Hard agree about the ending bit. I don't understand the point of allowing such a drastic skill disparity to exist. Basically the first 2 days are spent eliminating all the people that should have never been eligible in the first place. You could easily restrict the tournament to the people that have a reasonable chance at competing in it and then spread them out over 2 days to get a larger sample. No weekdays, no slog, good competition.

  • @Hazen87
    @Hazen87Ай бұрын

    It's not against the rules to play the brackets.

  • @loudpackgeneral2496
    @loudpackgeneral2496Ай бұрын

    I don't think the rain thing was collusion I'd bet he just felt like she griefed him in a game prior during the tourney and wanted revenge. You end up in the same lobby as people a lot over the course of a tourny and it is super tilting when someone contests you on rerolls.

  • @GamingEnjoyer13
    @GamingEnjoyer13Ай бұрын

    I feel the #2 is the trickiest one, you could say they just need to flex since contesting happens at all levels of play. She could flex into Lillia Sages, shitty maybe but if we say that contesting is bannable then most of the ladder would end up being banned.

  • @Xhandel
    @XhandelАй бұрын

    My opinion on the annie 3 case, the dude was not griefing, the dude was seriously trying to win the game AND the tourney by knocking out a strong player, its was in a very nasty way, but it was on his behalf. Is not like the players that, after scouting someone playing fortune, grieff themselves by not buying units or selling all of them just to make the fortune player lose his streak, even if that means the griefing player ends 8th, thats the thing that should be penalized.

  • @jameswright21
    @jameswright21Ай бұрын

    If the player in the first clip did it entirely of his own volition, it's hard to say he can't. If he were to make it into the next stage by a single point of Kurum you'd be able to point to this exact moment as a great move. The question becomes how do you limit the ripple effects that might have in later tournaments, and obviously taking nameplates off is the easiest way and just say that if you stream and give away it's you then that's your prerogative. The most similar thing I see in sports is when brackets of next rounds are decided and a team might lose one game to manipulate where they go into the bracket. The sniper ahri is whatever, the player is probably aware they are outmatched and need to do something a bit whacky to make any impact. I don't even think you can call that trolling, if anything that might be the smart play. The last one is outright cheating and clearly against the integrity of the game and should get a lifetime ban. I don't see what can be done to stop it outside of not having the general public participate, and it sucks to suffer for it.

  • @brodiebaxter99


    Ай бұрын

    I think my concern personally is more about the precedent it sets to allow targeted griefing "because it's tactical". Let me pose a hypothetical of how this ruling could be abused: Your favorite pro player and streamer gets into a tournament game. They're incredibly skilled and incredibly known for being one of, if not the best, players. Individually, each player decides "oh wow, this guy's better than me, that means the most optimal to play this game is to grief him whenever I can". As a result, despite being and playing better than the rest of the lobby, they are at an inherent disadvantage just because they are known for being good at the game. This not only makes for an awful experience for the pro player, but also makes for an incredibly frustrating game to watch from an audience perspective. It's really lame to watch a game where they all dogpile one guy just because they know he's good, with games looking like the Rainplosion game also covered in the video. A game where it's "optimal" to grief one specific guy shouldn't be what we want in the TFT community. I don't want a game where good players are penalized because they're known for being good, that sucks. This community was built on sharing ideas and guides and helping one another improve. It sucks that's being used against people. It's an incentive to not share that you're a good player, and to keep your strategies hidden, because if someone knows you're doing especially well on a specific patch it opens up the possibility of them targeting you because it's "optimal". Just feels lame imo.

  • @rasmuskjaerpoulsen


    Ай бұрын

    But thats just sports in general. The good players are always targeted the most. Its only a problem if someone targets them on other players behalf.​ If you target themfor your own benefit then you are just playing the game @@brodiebaxter99

  • @Tony-rj7wv
    @Tony-rj7wvАй бұрын

    Tournament should not be 3 days cutting into work days. Should keep it to 2 days Saturday and Sunday, of course some people will still not be able to play this but you cannot make it available to everyone. TFT is a variance game and if there is that massive skill gap then the top players should be able to overcome that variance of low rolling over the 6 games that they play. You compared some players to Diamond NA, which means even with the variance these top challenger players should still make it through. Everyone plays with that variance, of course it feels bad if you low roll but if you’re not qualifying versus Diamond NA and you’re a challenger player surely you made some bad mistakes and it wasnt just because of lowroll (although it is a big part of it) The point about it feeling bad because when you win its just relief because you made it vs actually feeling accomplished makes sense. But at the same time if Riot increased the prize pool for winning these that would solve that problem. An increase in prizes makes players want to play, helps that feeling of accomplishment and if you actually win a larger amount of money it makes it worth it if some people will miss work to play the tournament.

  • @sjb_92
    @sjb_92Ай бұрын

    I feel like the rule should be something like player's decisions should never be based on something outside of that particular TFT game. Choosing to sack in order for another player to place lower isn't based on that game but on the tournament and would breach that rule.

  • @Oleoay


    Ай бұрын

    But people will play for fourth instead of first all the time just for standing points

  • @Alittlebunyrabit
    @AlittlebunyrabitАй бұрын

    So, I've been in a similar, albeit slightly different spot where I chose to int my board for placements. The biggest difference here is that we were in a rock, paper, scissors matchup and I needed third place to knock out second so I could go first. It seems very reasonable to int for placements within a game or even a tourney when you have a very specific goal or objective that advances you personally. In contrast, I think this particular case is so speculative in nature that it's hard to defend griefing Kurum when his overall placement in the tourney is entirely up in the air.

  • @harrison3207
    @harrison3207Ай бұрын

    My take is #1(3 star annie Kurum): Doesn't feel great but still within the rules. There needs to be official addendum or ruling on these sort of cases if this is going to be changed. #2(Rainsplosion Zyra Snipe) Absolutely not trying to win, just trying to make you lose with them to benefit a third party. Definitely punishable #3 (low skill players in opening days): Maybe there should be an elo requirement but if you are going to have an open entry tournament it is a necessary evil in my opinion. TFT is a high variance game and poor results from bad luck happen sometimes. Well known names shouldn't just be given special privilege unless they earn it. Perhaps qualification points from previous that allow you to skip the opening stage is a possibility but otherwise it smacks of preferential treatment.

  • @UntamedDragon13
    @UntamedDragon13Ай бұрын

    For example #1, I feel like if tft wants to be competitive then they have to embrace something that come with it. This scenario happens quite a bit in the NFL and NBA. This last year the chargers basically allowed to a tie with the chargers putting them both in the playoffs before the chargers shot themselves in the foot. Allowing teams you match up well against into the playoffs is part of the strategy. The seeding also matters, you might feel better as a lower seed depending on match ups. Some teams definitely "soft play" to rest starters or change how the playoff bracket will be set. Idk, im coming from traditional sports though so maybe the mindset is different.

  • @koichinishida9901
    @koichinishida9901Ай бұрын

    what board skin is rain using

  • @KevinKlien
    @KevinKlienАй бұрын

    it's day one of a multi-day tournament. player's strategy is part of a long-term goal. it should be allowed. he wants to win the war, not just the battle.

  • @brandon-alcocer
    @brandon-alcocerАй бұрын

    You read what you wanted to see. The rule was to prevent collision, and there was no collision there. 0 argument for rule breaking.

  • @Dopamine_Drop
    @Dopamine_DropАй бұрын

    The only "soft play" is people upset about strategizing optimally in a strategy game. He didnt collude. He 100% did not break the spirit of the rules. Youre doing so much handwaving of the fact he did not conspire with anyone else, he played a strategy you didnt like.

  • @calze6
    @calze6Ай бұрын

    The real issue is how absurd the difference is between making and not making the snapshot. If you qualify for the Tactician's cup through ladder, you get to skip 3 days of play for each tournament. This is a huge advantage. As you can see, even top players can get eliminated days 1-3 simply to variance. It is not reasonable to have this huge of a disparity between people who qualify for Tactician's cup through ladder vs people who don't.

  • @justindaniels5923
    @justindaniels5923Ай бұрын

    Great video! Everything was very well said while offering a perspective from both sides! Thanks Baldy!

  • @Caliswisper
    @CaliswisperАй бұрын

    I think this set has a number of problems competitively. First being you need to play way to many games now which is the main reason Im taking a complete break this set. Having tournaments that are just essentially open qualifiers go for 3 days and having to take days of work for almost no reward isnt doable for most people. Secondly combining the regions, there is a huge imbalance in quality of players, why should brazil be playing against NA, it makes it feel terrible for the smaller regions and a waste of time for the larger regions,I play on OCE and i can guarantee the level here is alot lower than the viet server. Yes there maybe a few people on any server that are the top players in the world but in general the level is lower. It makes almost no sense to be combining regions

  • @cazarka7069
    @cazarka7069Ай бұрын

    I would say if there was evidence of those two players talking it would be for sure. I think its more the player is just trying to get a better standing by hurting a better player long term.

  • @chrismcleod5876
    @chrismcleod5876Ай бұрын

    Hear me out if players had their names, little legends and emotes removed this couldn't be an issue. But that would suck. The other thing is it is somewhat valid to greif/target the first place player but not to target a player because they are better than you or you don't like them or somthing.

  • @Oleoay
    @OleoayАй бұрын

    Meanwhile I’ve never had an Annie 3

  • @Jevta624
    @Jevta624Ай бұрын

    I see absolutely no issue here. Everyone is trying to win, especially in tourneys where a single point can mean a difference in placement.

  • @Kubilayerol
    @KubilayerolАй бұрын

    i think you cant punish a player for buying a unit

  • @ChikaJihyo
    @ChikaJihyoАй бұрын

    If its in a players best interest, its fine. If its griefing that doesn't benefit you and only hurts the other player, not fine. IMO

  • @HerpaDurpVg
    @HerpaDurpVgАй бұрын

    Annie player was a big brain. 🧠 Smart move, nothing wrong with it.

  • @Denizel91
    @Denizel91Ай бұрын

    Well i get why ppl think its unsportsmanlike, but IMO its the game, by you're logic, I shouldt pick Lucky Paws at 2.1 because it OP and prob gonna put me way ahead of anyone else

  • @lousashrex
    @lousashrexАй бұрын

    I believe griefing like this should be allowed. It is the ultimate teamfight tactic.

  • @Zaturn_
    @Zaturn_Ай бұрын

    Bruh, you get Shen Augment, someone on the lobby gets prismatic ticket and rolls Shen 3 asap for their non synergistic comp. Classic

  • @kev5995
    @kev5995Ай бұрын

    The first play is literally just smart, he would have done that no matter who else was in the 3rd place spot. No agreement happens, it’s fair game

  • @own3d33
    @own3d33Ай бұрын

    I was top 2 LAS in s1,s2,s3, all tournament was on weekend and My job is to sell burgers in the weekend at the same time of the tournament so i get so frutrated and stop playing 😪

  • @alexdgod1106
    @alexdgod1106Ай бұрын

    I hard disagree with the rule interpretation, its in the best interest of that player to grief the better players in the lobby to help his placements in the long run, you stated this side pretty well I think better players do need to be aware of this

  • @dariustbt6840
    @dariustbt6840Ай бұрын

    This rainplosion dude knows how to play.

  • @samirgomeznovelo746
    @samirgomeznovelo746Ай бұрын

    Look, if luck makes bad players beat better players regularly then the game is not that skilled based, or those bad players are actually just better, you can't get it both ways, you can't complain about losing to worse players if you are competing in a luck based game and you can't say they are worse players if the game is actually skilled based, pick one and stop complaining.

  • @reldrago
    @reldragoАй бұрын

    I'll never understand people having such an ego to think being smart with gameplay and making plays like this is because that person is griefing them specifically. Plays like this increase your chances of winning EXPONENTIALLY, and if rng gives you the chance why would you ever turn it down? This isn't some random match it's a major tournament where people will (and should) be doing everything in their power to win, even this. just soft people mad at it

  • @biomwalk
    @biomwalkАй бұрын

    Honestly, ngl, Ahri3 can be a beast. Ahri, Syndra, Aphelios, Ashe, Kog, + frontline Not saying its a great comp but I've made ahri3 comps do more work than syndra Idk why youd cook in tourney but like...idk bro was tryna cook I guess

  • @NullExotic
    @NullExoticАй бұрын

    We aint making it through law school with this one

  • @santoshupretimadara
    @santoshupretimadaraАй бұрын

    like the 4d chess tactics ... its same as in other sports lmao ... actually smart

  • @KerbalLauncher
    @KerbalLauncherАй бұрын

    Barbados scoring an own goal

  • @Kratzie77
    @Kratzie77Ай бұрын

    I honestly see nothing wrong with any of these plays. May some of them not be very fun to experience and lack some sportsmanship? Sure. But it's an individual competition and I don't think anyone can/should be punished on that in game. They may get a reputation and that could affect relationships and study groups outside of tournament play, which could have long term effects, but they aren't playing the game wrong. They might just be playing a way that most players don't like. There is a weird acceptance on "griefing " in certain spots and not others and I think players just have to accept things won't always go their way and things can't always be optimal. It's competition. Just gotta deal with it.

  • @pierre-alexisrigo6776
    @pierre-alexisrigo6776Ай бұрын

    I don't see anything wrong here. It's frustrating but we all know TFT can be frustrating at times. Your performances are also based on your opponent decisions, them being "aimed at you" or not, and on the game's in-built variance. There is no cheating or collusion whatsoever. If Riot does not approve what happened there, there are many ways to counter it. Other people spoke about it in the comments (like regulating available data between competitors). But you can't blame people for taking all available data into account in order to get a better final placement in a tournament.

  • @ionetricknunu
    @ionetricknunuАй бұрын


  • @drewcannedy3045
    @drewcannedy3045Ай бұрын

    I was on the side of "it should be allowed" at first for the first example. But then I thought about taking away the idea of the tournament and just thinking about the specific game they were playing. The guy that threw gains nothing from making kurum go 3rd in that specific game, so he's colluding with the player that goes second and breaking rules.

  • @minyoungna6642


    Ай бұрын

    I like this line of thought - no immediate benefit to SELF, which only benefits the 2nd player. The collusion unfalsifiable, but it’s not different from it actually being one.

  • @Wikk7


    Ай бұрын

    But you shouldn't be thinking about a specific game, what matters is the final score. It's the same way, when I open fort the second stage, I'm not thinking about the individual fights, because the placement in the end is what matters. In this case it's the placement after many games that matters, so that becomes the "game".

  • @drewcannedy3045


    Ай бұрын

    @@Wikk7 This was my thinking at first too. But is it not better for the competitive integrity of the tournament as a whole to not be able to "gameify" it? Who cares how well a player can "play" the tournament? I want to figure out who is the best at playing tft

  • @kingrockkid
    @kingrockkidАй бұрын

    Its a competition. Its time people stop expecting everyone to play like a goody two shoes, its okay to be cut throat as long as you dont do it in teams. Unless there is concrete proof, you just have to accept the int or be more cunning than the inter. Only way this changes is to remove the teeth of more predatory players, and not allow griefing in any capacity. If you leave blindspots in the rules they will certainly be exploited to win.

  • @DefinitelyNot8th
    @DefinitelyNot8thАй бұрын

    I actually really dislike your take on the first scenario. I feel like the point about collusion is absolutely unnecessary! It states right there in the rules that in order for it to be collusion they mustn't be playing for a reasonable standard of competition. He stated clearly how this move would help him in the rest of the tournament. Literally giving you proof that he had already thought about the play tactically. Who's to say people aren't throwing rounds in less obvious ways anyway? I really hate the idea of strategy being taken away from players just because they were thinking about the future of the tournament and not just the lobby they are currently in.

  • @igibzeromeows
    @igibzeromeowsАй бұрын

    xD previous video "you can always win, it's up to you and your fault if you bot four" - current video "it sucks to lose tournament to a low roll when you had to take a day of on Monday" make up ur fcking mind Subzeroark

  • @panagiotislepelis8177
    @panagiotislepelis8177Ай бұрын

    This subject keeps getting referenced over and over even though the conclusion is always the same. If it's not against the rules then it doesn't matter. Morally sure i don't agree with it but that is irrelevant. it's either against the rules or it's not. Currently it is not so nothing to talk about really. Riot already knows about this for a long time too.

  • @SukoSeiti
    @SukoSeitiАй бұрын

    I don't see anything wrong here.

  • @amanshareef7971
    @amanshareef7971Ай бұрын

    I'm ngl I completely disagree with your take at 6:43; They didn't grief to benefit the other person they griefed to benefit themselves; In a past tourney someone once literally ffd to guarantee their spot as wild card because otherwise they woudlve lost it to sommeone else; Actual colluding is obviously a big no no but I dont think this is the same

  • @amanshareef7971


    Ай бұрын

    Maybe I sgoudlve kept wathcing because you immediately adressed that lol

  • @michaelbodrovics3583
    @michaelbodrovics3583Ай бұрын

    Skill issue tbh, do what it takes to win and if you get knocked early playing against “low level players” you don’t deserve the win anyways. The blatant inting for someone in your region is the only thing that I’d consider bannable

  • @natelarson1273
    @natelarson1273Ай бұрын

    Hard disagree with you on point 2. You are making bold accusations claiming it was literally just to grief Rain. If taking units is griefing, then there should be an unlimited amount of every champ. it's part of the game, no different than when I am trying for 6 dryad and someone else is holding the azirs while playing ashe. Hanlon's razor, Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

  • @savarog2032
    @savarog2032Ай бұрын

    Absolutely nothing wrong with benching the 3 star Annie here. That's tactical. I would say it's on a similar level to sacking econ to hold units that another player wants within a game.

  • @laru09
    @laru09Ай бұрын

    I would totally grief for the benefit of another LAS player without even asking

  • @williamwhite8667
    @williamwhite8667Ай бұрын

    The last one might be giefing but people need to get over being griefed. These people are playing win and it's part of the game to hold units someone wants. They are targeting you. It sucks but get over it. Now win trading or players working together should not be allowed

  • @MesaGaming
    @MesaGamingАй бұрын

    All of these shouldn’t be punished Some measures should be done to help players stay anonymous in game like hiding in game name plates but Spector and castors can see the name for better viewer exp But overall, pivoting into comps or holding units or playing their board whatever way should not be considered collusion unless there really is clear evidence of that in chat or otherwise If you are a better player, in any sport or game people will strategize against you , you expect people to deny you something or your preferred way to play Griefing is over used and it’s only for team based games where mostly your teammate make the game unwinnable , this is an entirely different I think Curious to see how the rules or execution adapts

  • @durantf4207
    @durantf4207Ай бұрын

    Mr. SubZeroArk, I feel like there’s no such thing as the “spirit of a rule”. A rule is a rule and you have to go by what it says, not how you want to interpret it.

  • @Fullmetal6


    Ай бұрын

    Youre assuming every rule ever written is written to cover every possible potential circumstance and predict the future

  • @amp7226
    @amp7226Ай бұрын


  • @GoldDounuts
    @GoldDounutsАй бұрын

    Isn't tft kind of inherently a bad game to play competitively tho? Its like gambling but you cant even bluff cause everyone can see your cards. Why would anyone expect any sort of completive integrity with this game?

  • @Danthrax66
    @Danthrax66Ай бұрын

    Nothing about this would qualify as collusion, that requires two people to be in an agreement, look up the definition of collude. This should be perfectly acceptable and adds more depth to tournament play. Same with holding units, should be totally allowed, if you don't want people to act like humans and play to win then just make everyone play against bots and have figure out a way to score that, I'm sure there will still be people bitching about the bots griefing them. Scout and adapt to the game, and quit whining.

  • @iamwhoiam3568
    @iamwhoiam3568Ай бұрын

    you should spend more time practicing different comps...... pretty surprised and disappointed that you played tactitians not knowing how to play umbral comp and went 7th... going 8th with 8 ghostly.... spending most of the time just looking at metatft for numbers and losing lack of scouting

  • @rogeriojnr1563
    @rogeriojnr1563Ай бұрын

    Day 6 of asking for Subzero Subzeroark 🥷🧊
