Community Iwi panels / Te Pae O ranga, Victim participant's experience.

Te Pae Oranga is a community-based alternative resolutions pathway for offenders (participants) of low to medium offending. When someone commits an offence, the NZ Police Arresting Officer considers whether the person is suitable for the Te Pae Oranga pathway. If deemed a suitable candidate, they are then referred to Tai Timu Tai Pari to start the Te Pae Oranga justice process. Where the victim is willing, they form part of the Hui Matua panel. The participant must take accountability for their offending and right the wrong, including addressing their victims. The panel agrees to a restorative and rehabilitation plan which must be completed by the participant within a reasonable timeframe, usually 6-8 weeks.
In this extended interview we hear from a Victim who participated in the programme and her experience of the process.
