Coloring the edge of an object in Blender 4. One or more. Creation of material #45

Coloring one or more mesh faces.
We have a multifaceted and monolithic object, which, however, still has some edges that we would like to color. It's very easy to do this.
1. Switch to edit mode, selection by edges. Next, select the edge or garni as in this case, adding them while holding [shift]
2. Select the material settings, select the required material
3. After that, click on the Assign button to apply the material to the selection.
What should we do if we don’t have any materials and we launched blender for the first time? Then it’s no less simple - we’ll create the material ourselves.
If there is only a default cube among the objects, then we do the same until entering the materials tab, and there, instead of selecting a ready-made one, click add (plus to the right of the default gray material).
Then let's go into its properties and configure them. And that's it - we have a new material, which we apply using the Assign button
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