CEQA, 469 Stevenson St., and the Future of California Housing Policy

Manny's welcomed SPUR and UC Davis law professor Chris Elmendorf to the Living Room for a conversation about San Francisco's notorious “Nordstrom’s parking lot” housing development and the implications for future housing policy around the state.
In 2021, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors rejected a proposal for a 495 unit building on the site of a Nordstrom's valet parking lot. Even though the city's Planning Department had completed its review and approved the project, supervisors rejected the recommendation, sending the project back with dubious demands for additional environmental review.
Prof. Elmendorf discusses the relationship between the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the state’s Housing Accountability Act (HAA), the 469 Stevenson fallout and potential solutions. If you want to understand why San Francisco's housing landscape is so frustrating, be sure to watch.
About SPUR:
SPUR - the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association - is a nonprofit public policy organization. SPUR brings people together from across the political spectrum to develop solutions to the big problems cities face. Based in San Francisco, San José and Oakland, it is recognized as a leading civic planning organization and respected for an independent and holistic approach to urban issues. Follow SPUR's channel @theurbanistchannelspur2461.
About Chris Elmendorf:
Elmendorf is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Law at UC Davis and a leading scholar of land use and housing issues. He has published widely in top law reviews and political science journals. He is the author (with Tim Duncheon) of “When Super-statutes Collide: CEQA, the Housing Accountability Act, and Tectonic Change in Land Use Law,” forthcoming in the Ecology Law Quarterly. Last year, he advised SPUR on a bill, AB 2656, that addressed the CEQA-HAA conflict. He provides commentary on California housing issues via Twitter @CSElmendorf.
About Manny's:
Manny’s is the space where the community comes together to take part in civic and political life. Our community extends from our neighbors in the Mission, to all of San Francisco, the Bay Area, California, the United States and the world. We are the modern day town hall or village square, where anyone can meet and engage with civic leaders, elected officials, artists, activists, change makers and each other. Come here for a great cup of coffee, a new book and great conversations and events. Follow us at @welcometomannys on all social platforms.

