Celeste - Sapphire Dash (by Star Sapphire) - full clear


blue is my favourite color
Definitely the hardest 1* I've done so far. I'll even say this would be harder than sjgmhs if pumber flag didn't exist. The rooms are very long and the map doesn't really stick to a set theme (other than "techspam"), but all the rooms are really fun!
I started this map about 4 months ago. I did the first 3 flags without savestates, then tried flag 5 but eventually gave up. I came back to it about a week ago, this time with savestates, and managed to clear the rest. This is why the IG timer says I've spent 9 hours on flag 5, in practice it's not that difficult compared to the next ones. (but it is definitely a giant leap from the first 3 flags!)

