Celeste - GDDH (by Star Sapphire) - clear


Apparently I still can't do heart ultras.
My new hardest clear, and also one of my favorites!
I don't really know what to say about this map. Star Sapphire is one of my favourite mappers and I knew for some time that I would clear this map eventually. I'm a big fan of Theo gameplay. I thought I would struggle a lot on the cpops and reverse corner boosts - which I had never done before - but they ended up being alright. Most rooms begin with an input that is extremely janky but really cool to execute. Thankfully since they're at the beginning it's not so bad.
Final room is a really big step up from the rest, and it's no surprise that it's my longest room clear (16h20, my previous longest was 14h20 for sjgmhs f7). The hardest section by far is the dream hyper backboost into reverse cornerboost section. I spent hours and hours learning this section and trying to clear the room from there. I was also really unlucky at the crouchclimb section right after. In total I had 18 runs past the rcb section, and only 4 past the crouchclimb. Overall the grind was extremely enjoyable, I was slowly but surely getting better at every section.
Also, if anyone cares about my input display, the "G+J" input is incorrect, I changed it multiple times throughout the map. From r3 onwards I used it as a dash+jump input (for the bubble supers/hypers), and in final room I used it as a left+grab+jump input for the rcb.

