

Пікірлер: 360

  • @JobeMinacum
    @JobeMinacum10 жыл бұрын

    LMFAO "I feel like I won the first 4" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Diaz 1 2 5

  • @bdgil1
    @bdgil112 жыл бұрын

    Basically in this fight Diaz was a fighter, Carlos was a martial artist. The martial artist came out victorious.

  • @fomiz
    @fomiz12 жыл бұрын

    @fomiz by the wau, which chann4l are you getting these videos from?

  • @roycov89
    @roycov8912 жыл бұрын

    agreed. i'm not a GSP fan but he would use Carlos like a action doll.

  • @brendanlane9190
    @brendanlane919011 жыл бұрын

    Condit deserved the win, he was intelligent, had more significant strike, and didn't fight Diaz's fight. Diaz had five rounds to adapt to Condit's game plan, but he didn't, that's Diaz's fault not Condit's. The only reason you hate Condit is because he beat a guy you like, if Diaz won he would have been dominated by GSP and people would start bitching about George. take a moment to study a sport before you criticize an athlete, Condit won deal with it, and show some god damn respect.

  • @cujo905
    @cujo90512 жыл бұрын

    Hearing media or fans saying this fight had controversy shows this sport has a long way to go. I was really hoping Diaz would win but props to Condit. Some people saying he was running the whole fight? Damn, how do you run on one leg with your arm extended for that long.

  • @imtheace45
    @imtheace4512 жыл бұрын

    Diaz: 105 significant strikes. Condit: 151 significant strikes. How the hell can people think the fact that Diaz walked over to him to get beat up that makes him the winner. You can't come out of a fight looking like Eddie Munster and your opponent barley having a scratch and cry about how you got robbed.

  • @bjed21
    @bjed2112 жыл бұрын

    condit even said himself if i would've fought nick i would've lost idk im a fighter n i respect a guy who actually gets in there n fights not just runs n throws leg kicks to win rounds.

  • @willskim4fd
    @willskim4fd12 жыл бұрын

    people need to stop hating on carlos. mma is not wwe... there's a time to brawl and there's a time for strategy

  • @HybridDragons
    @HybridDragons12 жыл бұрын

    I'm a Diaz fan all the way. But Condit did the right things and won. It pissed me off because I didn't like his fighting style, but it worked, and no amount of excuses changes that.

  • @Meduri89
    @Meduri8911 жыл бұрын

    An MMA fight. People are only pissed because Carlos played it safe and didn't win by KO or TKO or submission. It may have not been an exciting win or an all out brawl, but it was a win that he deserved. Diaz slapped him for crying out loud, thats how frustrated he was. Usually we see Diaz doing that to guys, but instead Condit had Diaz on lock with his technique. People need to learn that the sport isn't all just knock outs and bloody fights.

  • @khairuleven
    @khairuleven12 жыл бұрын

    carlos is a cool guy

  • @darkdevilishh
    @darkdevilishh12 жыл бұрын

    Run Condit Run

  • @DudeWhat31
    @DudeWhat3112 жыл бұрын

    he said it best he didnt let diaz back him in the corner and beat him up instead of saying he ran think of it as diaz wasnt able to back him up and pound him condit fought his own fight and i think he won by split decision

  • @OMGVerified
    @OMGVerified12 жыл бұрын

    Condit won the running race!

  • @levoidejr
    @levoidejr12 жыл бұрын

    Iam Diaz fan but I will admit Condit won the fight and excuted a good game plan on beating him. True fans should respect the art of MMA .

  • @AndyinMTL
    @AndyinMTL12 жыл бұрын


  • @AlexJayy3291
    @AlexJayy329112 жыл бұрын

    deny is that Condit was able to take Nick on without getting half the amount of damage done to him we all know Diaz would have done if he wasn't being so illusive. Carlos is still a great fighter just watch any of his other fights and you'll see. Give the man some respect and let him have the belt for now. If Diaz is a true warrior that i think he is, he will come back and get it no matter who has it.

  • @jdumars
    @jdumars12 жыл бұрын

    I saw it as 1 & 2 for Diaz, 3 & 4 for Condit. And 5th to Diaz because of the dominant rear mount and submission attempt (nothing significant in the 5th happened before that). Glad to see that the general consensus is a 1 round difference, for either Diaz or Condit, not the BS 3 round difference the 2 judges gave it as well as biased fans. George is out for a while, let them do it again. Who else is a clear #1 contender right now until GSP heals up? Make it happen Dana!

  • @j9llpx
    @j9llpx12 жыл бұрын

    its more likely happy GSP fans than pissed of diaz fans lol

  • @juegas
    @juegas12 жыл бұрын

    the natural born runner

  • @mitchodeniro
    @mitchodeniro12 жыл бұрын

    run carlos run

  • @TheDaftMau5
    @TheDaftMau512 жыл бұрын

    Everyone that keeps on dissing Carlos Condit, just get over it and accept the fact that he won and Diaz lost.

  • @BrokenBard
    @BrokenBard12 жыл бұрын

    I'm not too sure what the controversy is all about...I confidently had it scored 4 rounds for Condit. I think people are a little bias towards Diaz, wanting a scrap instead of actually watching a professional combat sport that has intelligence and strategy.

  • @TheGbplaya
    @TheGbplaya12 жыл бұрын


  • @niksta1
    @niksta112 жыл бұрын

    I feel sorry for all those people that paid money to watch carlos the natural born runner circle the octagon 87 times in 25 minutes

  • @00xXInfiniteXx00
    @00xXInfiniteXx0012 жыл бұрын

    Whoever thinks Diaz won is biased. I give him round 1 and 2. The last three go to Condit. He was landing kicks punches combos. Diaz only landed a takedown and a punching flurry to the body. Condit won. Idk what over figt everybody else was watching. Condit landed more strikes. All Nick did was move forward and talk.

  • @jwagner721
    @jwagner72112 жыл бұрын

    all of you diaz fans only validate the point that neither diaz nor his fans are ready for him to be a champion, even if it was a controversial decision, which it wasn't, he showed he handles losses much like a child . if you don't want to be in the spotlight diaz contact fedors management company they know how to set up tailor made matches to make you look like some kind of dinamo, but be careful when you come to the big show we have actual athletes here

  • @AlexJayy3291
    @AlexJayy329112 жыл бұрын

    but i really hope he reconsiders. He would have rocked Condit a lot more but the bottom line is Condit was not "running" he was being incredibly illusive and letting Nick come forward knowing he is the more aggressive fighter just like anyone with an inkling of sense in the head would and i think he was smart for not trying to step forward and give into Nick's strategy. Keep in mind i am a HUGE Diaz brothers fan and again i was mad too because i think he did win the fight,but one thing you can't

    @TWOB1GUNZ12 жыл бұрын

    CONDIT simply used a plan that only works when one guy wants a fight and the other wants to steal a win. MY question is what if Diaz decided well i wanna just score points too? then we'd have two guy simply not going for the finish and they'd both have calculators after the fight to tally up who stole the most shots. DIAZ stands and fights people who are favoured to ko him, you gotta respect that. he doesnt come to eeek out decisions

  • @ecdctechmma
    @ecdctechmma12 жыл бұрын

    how can people think nick diaz won ' condit clearly won the fight in points

  • @VivecAlmsivi
    @VivecAlmsivi12 жыл бұрын

    Carlos is the champ now. He should accept responsibility and fight contenders. Yes, GSP is still the 'true champion' but Carlos has now assumed the position as interim champion. If he didn't want to welcome new challengers why did Nick and Condit even fight if it could have been to just determine a #1 contender spot? The whole point of this was to not keep the 170 division stalling like the HW was with Cain.

  • @golfhax
    @golfhax12 жыл бұрын

    If any other person in the UFC literally turned their back to their opponent and ran to the center of the octagon every time they were engaged with contact by the other fighter, they would have been crucified by the media and fans. But since the majority of MMA fans can't stand Nick Diaz they applaud Condit and congratulate him on his ingenious "game plan". What a fucking joke... In my opinion there was only one fighter in the main event that night of UFC 143 and his name wasn't Carlos.

  • @benjaminblazin2343
    @benjaminblazin234311 жыл бұрын

    wow woulda been so sweet if he didn't actually lose 48 - 47. anyone else actually watch??

  • @MrSuperconnecticut
    @MrSuperconnecticut12 жыл бұрын

    Natural Born RUNNER!!!!! "I did exactly what my coaches told me to do"....have some pride man.....go there and fight!!!!

  • @NeoOsiris19
    @NeoOsiris1912 жыл бұрын

    It's hilarious how a guy can outland his opponent by about 50 strikes, circle off the cage, get back to the center and throw combinations, must be running I guess. It's like calling a boxer who stays off the ropes, uses his footwork to avoid being cornered, and land clean combinations, a runner too. Condit wasn't going to knockout Diaz with 1 punch or kick, Nick hasn't been stopped in over a decade. Condit knew this, and wasn't going to fight flat footed and just throw haymakers. Meatheads...

  • @Velocity4000fps
    @Velocity4000fps12 жыл бұрын

    No controversy, a win is a win, poor diaz fans cant handle it. Diaz is a great fighter, but condit was better, plain and simple.

  • @MMAUpdater
    @MMAUpdater12 жыл бұрын

    Round 1&2- Nick Diaz Round 3&4- Carlos Condit Round 5- It could've went either way imo I could've understood this being a draw.

  • @willeng84
    @willeng8412 жыл бұрын

    Ordinarily I would agree but in this case your straight up wrong......Diaz has one of the highest finishing percentages in MMA, why do you think Condit ran the whole time? Condit is a wrestler but Diaz is a BJJ blackbelt, thats why there were no real takedowns and when they hit the ground Diaz took his back which was the only danger EITHER fighter were in. You can't run from someone then bitch at the aggressor and say "You should have finished" Condit knows he didn't want to bang with Diaz.

  • @AhPhoey
    @AhPhoey12 жыл бұрын

    I'm a huge fan of Nick Diaz, but Condit won rounds 3, 4 and 5. When Diaz had Condit's back in round 5, he did nothing with it - no damage or near submission. In no way does taking someone's back for 50 seconds and doing nothing with it make up for getting out struck most of the round. I admire Diaz's fighting style, but unfortunately he got beat 3 rounds to 2 if one speaks unbiasedly.

  • @goodbadugly16
    @goodbadugly1612 жыл бұрын

    "were you 100% confident that they would score it for you when the fight was completed?" "yes" (shakes heads in hesitation) "no doubts?" "no" (rolls eyes in other direction) anyways it was a close fight and no one should be arguing that any guy clearly won. however i find it interesting that dana felt diaz won rounds 1 and 2 convincingly, and condit thought he may have lost the 5th. i had 1, 2, and 5 for diaz b/c he was the aggressor landing more real sig strikes, not fightmetric sig strikes.

  • @roycov89
    @roycov8912 жыл бұрын

    I was a Huge Condit fan before the Diaz fight. that wasn't the normal Condit in that fight. haters gonna hate on this. don't care... Maybe some people know what i mean.

  • @AlexJayy3291
    @AlexJayy329112 жыл бұрын

    I love Nick Diaz as a fighter and i would have loved to see him continue in this sport and fight GSP eventually but i am kind of dissapointed he says he done. I mean you think someone with so much support and respect from other people would be a little more level headed about making a decision like that so quickly. It's almost like he was saying fuck you too everyone and honestly i think a big part of it was adrenaline running through him after the fight and anger from not gettting the win-

  • @All_Things_Out_Doors
    @All_Things_Out_Doors12 жыл бұрын

    Kinda like the team tht talks the most.....but still outscored.

  • @breakdancerQ
    @breakdancerQ12 жыл бұрын

    Condit won the fight on points but to the people who are suprised that he's getting so much hate,whata fuck did expect?Carlos went into the fighting saying its gonna be a crazy fight,a dog fight and then he comes in with this point-winning-safer fight-gameplan. So ofcourse Carlos is gonna get hate. It's wasn't a really bad or good fight but c'mon,I am 100% sure that both Nick and Carlos feel like they have never really been in a fight there and carlos fucking knows this very well.

  • @m0rtacciTUA
    @m0rtacciTUA12 жыл бұрын


  • @pshaw951
    @pshaw95112 жыл бұрын

    I would like everyone to explain how Diaz won that fight in your eyes? Condit was much more dynamic and played his game plan much more obviously than Diaz. Diaz was one dimensional and landed a punches every now and then while Condit landed kicks, punches, elbows... The fight was so clear cut for Condit that I am completely baffled as to how anyone thought Diaz won.... Please explain in detail how you all think Diaz won>>>????

  • @ryantrujillo3370
    @ryantrujillo337010 жыл бұрын

    Condit put up 10 xs a better fight against gsp then diaz. Gsp said condit was the toughest guy he's fought

  • @CounterCultured
    @CounterCultured12 жыл бұрын

    Anyone who disliked will never be a great fighter... Condit Won period get over it...

  • @codyjames01111
    @codyjames0111111 жыл бұрын

    Even though Carlos fought like that, I still even thought Diaz won rounds 1,2, & 5.

  • @buktomsin
    @buktomsin12 жыл бұрын

    Condit smashed him.

  • @AlanJits
    @AlanJits12 жыл бұрын

    @xxmistakensin notice none of those fighters are saying Nick landed the more effective strikes. I don't think they're stupid, but I do think their opinions are based largely on emotion.

  • @HeatGoesOn
    @HeatGoesOn12 жыл бұрын

    If u actually watched the fight you'll see that Carlos kept sticking and moving which threw off Nick's accuracy. Even tho I wanted Nick to win real is real. Carlos was the better fighter and tactition.

  • @fomiz
    @fomiz12 жыл бұрын

    run rabbit, run rabbit, run run run, here comes diaz with his gun gun gun

  • @joon720
    @joon72012 жыл бұрын

    Ariel was mocking him with those questions.

  • @Poorscousertommy1892
    @Poorscousertommy189212 жыл бұрын

    It's Hilarious, you're all complaining that he ran. You clearly don't know MMA, it's a lot harder then just standing there and punching someone. Nick Diaz is an overwhelming guy if you play his game. Carlos on the other hand didn't play Nick's game he played his own game with Nick. His Game plan was not to get caught up against the cage and he didn't, He landed more decisive shots than Nick did and that's final. Honestly, stop being so Butt Hurt.. Carlos won deal with it. Me personally I'm glad

  • @MrLimbo95
    @MrLimbo9512 жыл бұрын

    if diaz won you have the enitre mma world who hate diaz hating on him , calling it a fix , condit wins and everyone calls him a bitch? that he shouldnt have won , i love nick diaz and his style , personally i dont care who wins between condit and gsp , give the guy a bit of credit ,, HE BEAT NICK DIAZ!!!!!!!!!!

  • @novawolverine
    @novawolverine12 жыл бұрын

    How was Condit a runner when he landed more strikes? Condit was effective with his punches, kicks, and even a couple elbows and knees. Diaz landed some very effective punches, but didn't adjust to what Condit was doing and wasn't active enough. He could have won the fight if he took more chances in the later rounds.

  • @AlanJits
    @AlanJits12 жыл бұрын

    Was pretty sad to see Condit turn into the running man. That being said, I can't complain with the final result. The numbers have been posted, it's pretty clear Condit was landing the more effective strikes.

  • @All_Things_Out_Doors
    @All_Things_Out_Doors12 жыл бұрын

    Condit landed 120 more strikes tht was the strike count

  • @roumanobr
    @roumanobr12 жыл бұрын

    He won the first 4 and lost the 5th, but yet he gained more confidence as the fight went on...? Ariel needs to stop interviewing those guys right after the fight, hes clearly punch drunk.

  • @jas68maro
    @jas68maro12 жыл бұрын

    Diaz looked more beat up than condit after the fight. so i dont know what everyone is saying? Condit wasnt running, its called stick and move. Diaz has a tough chin and throws a lot of punches and combos with great accuracy. Condit was smart for the stick and move technique. Apparently Condit got more 'significant strikes' however they determine that I have no clue. But i guess it was enough to win the fight.

  • @RonelDelgado
    @RonelDelgado12 жыл бұрын

    that would not be circling each other,that would be running away each other as condit did.

  • @legalalien02
    @legalalien0212 жыл бұрын

    Carlos does not even look sure when he responds to the questions. he knows he ran.

  • @HeatGoesOn
    @HeatGoesOn12 жыл бұрын

    Carlos did what he needed to do to throow Diaz off his game. He kept his head in the fight and didnt play Diaz's games. He stayed on the outsde choppin away at Nick. Nick is tough ill admit but he took alot of shots even if he was pressing foward.

  • @All_Things_Out_Doors
    @All_Things_Out_Doors12 жыл бұрын

    Its mixed martial arts not a street FIGHT. Great game plan carlos...and great execution. And diaz was bleeding as well...dont like how some one moves do somthin bout it

  • @AndyinMTL
    @AndyinMTL12 жыл бұрын

    THE WW IN THE UFC DIV HAS TO BE THE WORST IN MMA...GSP,Koshfuck,Shields,Fitch(most boring of them all) and now Condit...Please Nick dont retire you re the last hope of the div!

  • @MrSuperconnecticut
    @MrSuperconnecticut12 жыл бұрын

    He is a nice guy, but nick won that fight ....... now you are the natural born runner.

  • @wolfgang29
    @wolfgang2912 жыл бұрын

    he won fair and square he did what he had to to win. he landed more shots. no question carlos won. to think he didnt is twisted

  • @macryan19
    @macryan1912 жыл бұрын

    Wow. What happened to Condit? It's like he sold his soul and knows it, but is trying to cover it all up. He ran from Diaz, now he wants to sit out until GSP is ready, what a coward. The is Ultimate Fighting, who is the ultimate FIGHTER, this shit is ridiculous.

  • @anFy81
    @anFy8112 жыл бұрын

    i was rooting for diaz and looking forward to diaz vs gsp but lets face it: Condit outboxed diaz footwork is an essential part of the standup game (even it chael doesnt believe it ;)) if he would have k.o.d diaz ppl would say it was genious he didnt stop him but landed a LOT more and harder ppl say condit did not play into diaz game but lets ad: diaz acutally played into condits he wasnt able to react to the fact that condit figured out a way to beat him up while avoiding his offensive game

  • @ripizen
    @ripizen12 жыл бұрын

    he won the fight..

  • @LenSengoku
    @LenSengoku12 жыл бұрын

    actually diaz possibly won 4-1. condit's strikes looked great in round 4, that round was NO DOUBT his. round 3 he was starting his rhythm finally, but diaz still took that round by a slight edge. round 5 was a tossup, because condit's strikes looked great but diaz landed a good amount as well and got his back near the end. extremely close fight. diaz brought the fight. i wanna see carlos beat gsp, then nick fights gsp, then carlos rematch? long wait and process there though..

  • @pTrick3d
    @pTrick3d12 жыл бұрын

    condit hit him more times and did more damage, i consider that a win

  • @TheSleepingSenatoroftheIslands
    @TheSleepingSenatoroftheIslands12 жыл бұрын

    Think how boring his fight with GSP would be.

  • @HeatGoesOn
    @HeatGoesOn12 жыл бұрын

    @TrueFacts777 What Carlos did was avoid getting cornered against the cage and bought the action back to the center of the octagon.

  • @SwithbladeSmiles
    @SwithbladeSmiles12 жыл бұрын

    @rfwelsh Couldnt agree more. I would love to see a UFC where a decision fight is put down as a draw and you can only win by knockout submission or DQ then youll find out who the best are.

  • @lukeofsparta3875
    @lukeofsparta387512 жыл бұрын

    Condit has all finishes but 2. The( one) time he decides to point fight and play it safe. Holy shit the entire world starts bitching! This was a tough fight against a tough dude. This could decide a fighters entire career. Condit is a true champion but when people hear something like a fighter like Condit fighting smart and possibly lost a fight. The entire media and all the trolls come out. Give the guy a break and some respect. This was for a title. Biggest god damn fight of his career. No m

  • @CounterCultured
    @CounterCultured12 жыл бұрын

    @youngdrolol187 Hes not waiting, there is going to be a Diaz- Condit 2 before the Match against GSP.

  • @RickDogg187
    @RickDogg18712 жыл бұрын

    @ThirdRomeAquilo FYI Condit is half Mexican.

  • @MrSomename89
    @MrSomename8912 жыл бұрын

    Did Condit win? Yes. Did he impress? Not really. Nick Diaz has a flashy record because he's beat up a bunch of journeymen, no-name bums, and UFC rejects. So honestly, he's not at Carlos' level. That said, Carlos disappointed me. He should've made a mockery out of Diaz instead of pulling out the typical Jackson Camp "game-plan" and avoid the fight for 25 minutes.

  • @tumbleweedxo
    @tumbleweedxo12 жыл бұрын

    @AlanJits I never said I disagree with the decision, I knew Nick lost that fight as soon as it was over. I was simply replying to the guy who couldn't understand why people are upset over the decision. One of the judges from this fight has went on record saying he would never give Diaz a close fight simply because he does not like him. After seeing the score cards, I believe him. Two of the three judges only gave Nick rd3 of all rounds! ...

  • @nigbot1
    @nigbot112 жыл бұрын

    Everyone is mad that the hype known as Nick Diaz is gone. NIck's fault for not adjusting to the fight, has nothing on the table except plotting forward hoping the opponent engages with him. Condit won a technical win, nothing wrong with that. You butthurt fans are just mad because Condit didn't fight NIck's fight, well guess what, NIck didn't fight his either. Condit won, deal with it. Diaz is a whiney ass anyways.

  • @roycesboy
    @roycesboy12 жыл бұрын

    condit wasn't running he was punching diaz and getting out of the way of diazs punches isn't that what you're supposed to do in a fight.

  • @spotlessmind2443
    @spotlessmind244312 жыл бұрын

    nick's taking his case to court,suing the nsac ,in front of a judge he has a good chance of beating the nsac ,he tested positive only for THC metabolites which is not a banned substance.If you think diaz is not one of the hardest workers in the business just because he smokes then your way off base man ,or biased towards diaz or weed. you should watch 6 minutes of stalling, just search it,if u think condit played fair.he played a scared point fighter's gameplan and pulled off a win.

  • @montest23
    @montest2312 жыл бұрын

    @JUICYDAYS Rounds where Condit landed more significant strikes than Diaz. “The Natural Born Killer” outlanded Diaz in round one (29 to 23); round three (32 to 22), round four (36 to 11) and round five (25 to 17) those are the official stats from if you were to blind to see the fight then put your glasses on and read this and you will see who wont the fight

  • @elliptical29
    @elliptical2912 жыл бұрын

    @Dystopia1980 I agree 100% man. Condit was elusive and NOT running. I'm a Diaz fan to but Condit had a better plan for the fight and executed it very well. My hats off to Condit for not getting sucked in by Diaz to fight his style. I wish my fellow Diaz fans would stop bitchin about the loss like Diaz did after the fight.

  • @shoto520
    @shoto52012 жыл бұрын

    diaz game plan was to brawl and out strike him..condit's game plan was to score and move and avoid the brawl that simple.

  • @warwize
    @warwize12 жыл бұрын

    Condit won and made Diaz retire, double win.

  • @bboyspike145
    @bboyspike14512 жыл бұрын


  • @F0aming
    @F0aming12 жыл бұрын

    @xxhumblepiexx It's not whining on their part, it's a legitimate questioning of the judges scoring. The fight was very drawish.

  • @willeng84
    @willeng8412 жыл бұрын

    Bj's best fights were at 155, he hasn't been great at 170. I think McDonald is bigger and more hungry for the fight. I am not sure if they will make another fight before Condit-GSP but if they do I would love to see Rory get a shot. Either way really I see Condit losing to GSP and Rory eventually getting a shot..... McDonald VS GSP is a pretty good matchup though.

  • @goofella29
    @goofella2912 жыл бұрын

    why are there so many dislikes

  • @KjellV17
    @KjellV1712 жыл бұрын

    102 people are Sore nick diaz losers, and yes condit run the whole fight, but he did that while landing 151 strikes to diaz his 102 strikes. In my opinion the decision should be either split decision condit or unanimous decision condit(48-47 on all judges scorecards) just like the henderson - shogun fight at ufc 139

  • @drjlm34
    @drjlm3412 жыл бұрын

    Nick couldn't beat Condit and he wanted to fight GSP in the first place. Nick showed he cant fight with anyone in his own level. It took forever for him to come to the UFC and fight the real talent in the welterweight division. He should've been adjusted to Condits game plan. It was easy for him to get him on the ground in the 5th. He started to adjust too late in the fight. I thought Nick was smarter than that. His corner really didnt help him at all. Condit just made him look bad in the fight

  • @khairuleven
    @khairuleven12 жыл бұрын

    condit won.but many people want to see him fight diaz while moving forward.its forward vs forward.i think condit can win like that too.he'd murder diaz that way.KO in first round.

  • @Thejoecross
    @Thejoecross12 жыл бұрын

    I've watched the match again and condict won 3 rounds 1 draw and 1 lost. diaz punches wasn't even landing so dont know what people are saying. condit was just kicking him everywhere was an easy decision for me

  • @Derals1
    @Derals112 жыл бұрын

    it sais that Carlos has the Welterweight champion belt, but what does GSP have?

  • @italiankid73
    @italiankid7312 жыл бұрын

    @ferybubls Condit lied to the public, calling himself a killer, saying one of them was going to the hospital... he didn't lie to Nick, he lied to the fans. And those questions... what about, "did Condit fight the same way he fought in all his other fights?" Condit fought like Nick had better ground skills & stand-up skills; he fought like a child going against an adult. He tried to run the clock down becuz the more time Nick could touch him, the more Nick could score

  • @roumanobr
    @roumanobr12 жыл бұрын

    Are u serious Condit? the dude is talkin like it was a clear decision...oh boy.
