Carbon Free Mantiqueira Program - subtitled in english

Imagine to offset your greenhouse gas emissions by planting native Atlantic Rainforest trees in a region that will contribute to the water supply of 7 million people. This is the Carbon Free Mantiqueira program, by Iniciativa Verde.
The Carbon Free Program was developed by Iniciativa Verde to offset greenhouse gas emissions (GEE) from any human activity, such as products, services, constructions or events. These activities release, directly or indirectly, gases in the atmosphere that may increase the global warming. This sort of project is also known as carbon offset or carbon neutralization.
In the Carbon Free Program, the emissions of GEE are offset by forest recomposition. Part of the projects are directed to the Atlantic Rainforest, one of world’s richest and most biodiverse biomes. Those who participate receive a Carbon Free seal and a certificate with the number of trees planted and the quantity of GEE offset.
In the Mantiqueira region, Iniciativa Verde has engaged the “Conservador das Águas” project, that recovers the rainforest in the Cantareira System area, which supplies water to great metropolis in the southeast region of Brazil.
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