Cancer Lunar Cycle ♋︎ | An invitation into Abundance, Play/Spontaneity, and Feeling All Our Feelings

Hi! Happy Summer Solstice and Welcome to Cancer Season. Cancer sesason is one of my favorites, becuase that is my sun sign, but also becuase it's the middle of summer. Life is full of abundance in all it's forms, the earth is alive, and there is a playful spirit about the water tides of Cancer that is so needed after prior Winter and Spring Moons. It's as if the Earth is whispering, come play, release it all, and flow with the bounty of life! But to do that, we must be willing to feel it all. Cancer is a natural nurturer, she wants us to feel expanasive, but through the depths of our feelings and felt experience.
I hope you find something here! And if it is in your joy, maybe you'll go find the fae, the elementals, or jump in the ocean!
May you have a beautiful summer!
☾Sign up for the bi-moonthly Moon Letters here:
✨Looking to work 1:1 visit my website:
☀️Interested in Joining Sacred Moons?
It's an online Moon Community for Women. If so, fill out the application here:
🦀Local to North Carolina and interested in participating in the moonthly In-Person Moon Ceremonies? You can find more here -
Timestamps 🩵
00:00 - Shamanic Drumming Intro
01:07 - Summer Solstice & Moon Context!
05:25 - Intuitive Message On Cancer
21:01 - How To Work With Me & The Moon
