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Can I Retire? (Lessons Learned, Mistakes and Surprises)

A farmer at his 90th birthday regretted not living more fully during his 70s, wishing he had known he'd live so long in good health.
Eamonn emphasizes the importance of not delaying enjoyable activities and making the most out of retirement years, rather than waiting until old age to start living fully.
Eamonn contrasts the retirement decisions of different professions, noting that some people, like priests and high-profile politicians, continue working well into their 80s.
There's a call to action for older farmers to consider semi-retirement and pass on their responsibilities to the younger generation to keep agriculture vibrant and innovative.
Eamonn shares personal experiences and stresses the value of quality of life, pursuing personal interests, and ensuring that younger people are engaged and responsible for the future of farming
#irishpeople #retirement #farming #smalldairyfarm #ireland
