Call of Duty (2003): 13- part 3- Eder Dam, Germany September 2, 1944


2 Sep 1944
Ref Maps. 1/50,000 Sheets 12/F1, 12/F2
1/25,000 Sheet No. 60/05 SW
To: 3 Troop, 2 SAS
1. Objectives
a) Upon successful arrival at the airfield, procure aircraft on site and exfiltrate via preplanned air route.
b) Delay pursuit and interception by destroying any parked aircraft not essential to your escape.
our Lewes bombs were lost in the drop at the dem, so we’ll need to find a high caliber automatic wespon an site to de the jeb insteed
2. Enemy
a) Static defenses in area of operations.
A small regional garrison, mainly consisting of rear-guard troops, is known to service the airfield on a year-round basis.
AA defenses may include guns ranging from 20mm to 88mm.
b) State of alertness.The dan garrison will have issued a general warning throughout the area by this time.
The airfield may be more heavily reinforced than is customary as a result.
3. Outline
Sgt. Waters, Cpt. Price
a) Disperse at the airfield. Flight-trained members of the squad will nove the aircraft into position for takeoff.
b) Remaining squad members shall defend the stolen aircraft until that time, while inflicting as much damage as possible on other enemy aircraft parked on the tarmac.

