Breathing Practice B4 - A Mirror Meditation


Breathing Practice Before Mirror Meditation
Before each Mirror Meditation we want to practice this basic breathing exercise in order to generate the necessary energy of mindfulness to establish ourselves in the present moment, becoming aware of our body, being able to hold the space, to embrace any kind of emotions coming up and befriend ourselves anew.
Find a comfortable yet stable position, close your eyes and begin to follow your breathing. Say the first sentence silently while breathing in, and the second sentence silently while breathing out. Repeat the key words with a few familiarizing breaths before going to the next paragraph.
Aware of my belly rising I am breathing in,
aware of my belly falling I am breathing out.
Rising, falling.
I am following my in-breath from the beginning to the end,
I am following my out-breath from the beginning to the end.
Beginning to end, beginning to end.
Aware of my whole body I am breathing in,
relaxing the tension of my whole body I am breathing out.
Aware of body, relaxing tension.
Aware of my present feelings I am breathing in,
calming my present feelings I am breathing out.
Aware of feelings, calming feelings.
Aware of my present thoughts I am breathing in,
releasing my present thoughts I am breathing out.
Aware of thoughts, releasing thoughts.
Aware of my presence I am breathing in,
smiling to my presence I am breathing out.
Aware of presence, smiling.
There's nothing more liberating and empowering than a mind cared for with love and affection.
Peace and happiness come from within. Do not seek it without.
Enjoy your meditation, enjoy yourself.
We all learn from each other, so please share your meditation experiences below. Thank you!
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Much love and blessings,
Brother Freedom

