Bonded in Tragedy: The Role of Fraternal Orders in the Eastland Disaster

Welcome to Episode 56 of Flower in the River Podcast, where we will explore the role of Fraternal Organizations in the wake of the Eastland Disaster. We're talking 1915, by the way. Not present time.
Many victims of the Eastland disaster were members of various fraternal organizations
Exploring the role these organizations played in the lives of working-class communities in early 20th century Chicago
What are Fraternal Organizations?
Groups of individuals who come together based on shared interests, beliefs, or backgrounds
Aim to provide mutual support, engage in charitable activities, and foster a sense of community
Examples: Freemasons, Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), Knights of Columbus, Elks Club, Rotary International
Fraternal Organizations in Early 20th Century Chicago:
Provided power and advancement opportunities in the workplace
Allowed working-class individuals to build cross-class networks
Defined a collective identity rooted in gender and race while sidelining class distinctions
Fostered community and solidarity but also represented a division in American class politics
The intersections of faith, fraternity, and community in early 20th century Chicago were nuanced
Researching ancestors' involvement in fraternal organizations can provide insight into how these groups influenced their lives
