Blue Land Crab Spotted In Emerald Isle - First One Spotted In North Carolina

Attention, nature enthusiasts of Emerald Isle! The Wildlife Resources Commission and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences need your help in locating a new-to-North-Carolina species - the elusive Blue Land Crab!
The Blue Land Crab was spotted in the 7000 block on Ocean Drive.
These fascinating creatures are a rare find in our state, and spotting them could provide valuable. So, if you come across any Blue Land Crabs, please take a photo and note the location, date, and time.
Your contributions can make a real difference in our understanding of these remarkable creatures and their presence in Emerald Isle.
If you have any information to share, please contact the Wildlife Resources Commission and The NC Museum of Natural Sciences.
Nick Shaver
Todd VanMiddlesworth
Bronwyn Williams
#WildlifeResearch #BlueLandCrab #NewToNC #EmeraldIsle #CommunityScience
