Bhishma's Terrifying Vow | mahabharat in english | Season 1 Episode 5

The narrative recounts the legendary tale of Devavrata, later known as Bhishma, a central figure in the Indian epic Mahabharata. It highlights the transformation of Satyavati from Matsyagandha to Yojana Gandha by Maharishi Parashar, and the subsequent birth of Vyasa. The story then shifts to King Shantanu of Hastinapur, who is troubled by his desire to marry Satyavati. Devavrata, determined to resolve his father's distress, discovers that Nishad Raj, Satyavati's guardian, demands that her son must inherit the throne. To secure his father's happiness and Satyavati's hand in marriage, Devavrata makes an extraordinary vow of lifelong celibacy and renounces his claim to the throne, earning the name Bhishma. King Shantanu, moved by his son's immense sacrifice, grants Bhishma the boon of choosing the time of his own death.

