Bertrand Chamayou on John Cage and Erik Satie | The Gramophone Classical Music Podcast


The Gramophone Award-winning pianist talks about his new album that pairs the music of Satie and Cage, 'Letter(s) to Erik Satie'
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Bertrand Chamayou, who won Gramophone's Recording of the Year in 2019 for his Erato album of two Saint-Saëns piano concertos, has turned his attention to two groundbreaking composers. John Cage was a great admirer of the music and aesthetic experiments of the Frenchman, Erik Satie - and Chamayou has created a programme, also for Erato, that links the two, 'Letter(s) to Erik Satie'.
James Jolly caught up with Bertrand Chamayou at his Festival Ravel in St Jean de Luz in south-west France this summer to talk about the project.
This week's podcast was made in association with Wigmore Hall where over the next seven days they’ll be playing to a host to Gramophone Award winners, the cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras, violinist Frank Peter Zimmermann, pianist Martin Helmchen and the Nash Ensemble among many others:
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