BECONIA - Beautiful Fantasy Ambient Music - Deep Relaxation and Meditation

#ambient #ambientmusic #relaxation
BECONIA - Beautiful Fantasy Ambient Music - Deep Relaxation and Meditation
In this video, I tried to create a mysterious and charming atmosphere of a cozy place in a deep forest. There are quite a lot of textures in the composition, which I created using the sounds of various acoustic instruments, Tibetan bowls and synthesizers. There are also various airy vocal phrases, and unobtrusive nature sounds. I hope you like the result 😍😍😍

Пікірлер: 114

  • @CarvalhoAndrock
    @CarvalhoAndrock5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The tranquil sounds help me unwind and relax.

  • @DiogoSabine
    @DiogoSabine5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The calming sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @MihoSanwa
    @MihoSanwa5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a calming background for daily life.

  • @TaseiHasegawa
    @TaseiHasegawa5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The gentle sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @JohnNolter
    @JohnNolter5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a serene backdrop for my daily life.

  • @RenanMartinso
    @RenanMartinso5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay calm and composed.

  • @CavacantiFerreira
    @CavacantiFerreira5 күн бұрын

    😊 The gentle sounds help me feel more connected to nature.

  • @BrockRabin
    @BrockRabin5 күн бұрын

    🍃 It is great for creating a calming atmosphere.

  • @RirisaTokunaga
    @RirisaTokunaga5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in stressful situations.

  • @StevenHaasef
    @StevenHaasef5 күн бұрын

    🏡 It creates a serene environment for relaxation.

  • @KikumaMatsubara
    @KikumaMatsubara5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in my daily life.

  • @FuyukaOchiai
    @FuyukaOchiai5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay composed and focused.

  • @MasudShadid
    @MasudShadid5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at peace.

  • @IsaacErlikilyika
    @IsaacErlikilyika5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at ease.

  • @SadaeKohara
    @SadaeKohara5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @BarrosSilvaso
    @BarrosSilvaso5 күн бұрын

    🏡 It creates a calming environment for relaxation.

  • @JonniAndrews
    @JonniAndrews5 күн бұрын

    🎨 Ambient music is perfect for enhancing creativity.

  • @NiamhWilson999
    @NiamhWilson9995 күн бұрын

    🍃 Ambient music is perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

  • @BenoPowman
    @BenoPowman5 күн бұрын

    🌈 Ambient music helps me feel more at peace.

  • @ChifumiOota
    @ChifumiOota5 күн бұрын

    🍃 Ambient music is perfect for creating a peaceful atmosphere.

  • @GoncalvesCastro
    @GoncalvesCastro5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ The tranquil sounds help me unwind and relax.

  • @RyanDopkins
    @RyanDopkins5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music is perfect for meditation and relaxation.

  • @NaruhoTaniguchi
    @NaruhoTaniguchi5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music is perfect for meditation and mindfulness.

  • @HisayaSumita
    @HisayaSumita5 күн бұрын

    律‍♀️ It helps me feel more connected to my inner self.

  • @JulianFaunce
    @JulianFaunce5 күн бұрын

    💻 Listening to ambient music helps me stay focused.

  • @JunnaDaisaki
    @JunnaDaisaki5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music helps me stay centered and balanced.

  • @ChrisopherBennet
    @ChrisopherBennet5 күн бұрын

    🏠 It creates a peaceful environment for work or study.

  • @KikumiImai
    @KikumiImai5 күн бұрын

    💻 It helps improve my concentration and focus.

  • @SeiyaHigaro
    @SeiyaHigaro5 күн бұрын

    易 It enhances my ability to concentrate and focus.

  • @YoshifumiKanada
    @YoshifumiKanada5 күн бұрын

    易 It enhances my ability to stay focused and concentrated.

  • @ChiekoEnomoto
    @ChiekoEnomoto5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The tranquil sounds help me unwind and relax.

  • @YoshinoriUchiumi
    @YoshinoriUchiumi5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The calming sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @RemikaOchiai
    @RemikaOchiai5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a calming background for daily life.

  • @MaihaNishino
    @MaihaNishino5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The gentle sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @FusamiMorishita
    @FusamiMorishita5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay calm and composed.

  • @DaniloJurgen
    @DaniloJurgen5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a serene backdrop for my daily life.

  • @KurumiFutar
    @KurumiFutar5 күн бұрын

    😊 The gentle sounds help me feel more connected to nature.

  • @BriggsFishman
    @BriggsFishman5 күн бұрын

    🍃 It is great for creating a calming atmosphere.

  • @JesseLoewe
    @JesseLoewe5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in stressful situations.

  • @FrankoManez
    @FrankoManez5 күн бұрын

    🏡 It creates a serene environment for relaxation.

  • @YuraIwasaki
    @YuraIwasaki5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in my daily life.

  • @YaekoSakai
    @YaekoSakai5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay composed and focused.

  • @MikiyaToyota
    @MikiyaToyota5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at peace.

  • @MasumiFujimura
    @MasumiFujimura5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at ease.

  • @RodriguesMennear
    @RodriguesMennear5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @KinumiEndou
    @KinumiEndou5 күн бұрын

    🏡 It creates a calming environment for relaxation.

  • @KauanPintores
    @KauanPintores5 күн бұрын

    🎨 Ambient music is perfect for enhancing creativity.

  • @OdeeNicolar
    @OdeeNicolar5 күн бұрын

    🍃 Ambient music is perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

  • @KazuhaIkeda
    @KazuhaIkeda5 күн бұрын

    🍃 Ambient music is perfect for creating a peaceful atmosphere.

  • @NicolasCavalcantie
    @NicolasCavalcantie5 күн бұрын

    🌈 Ambient music helps me feel more at peace.

  • @TimotySlattery
    @TimotySlattery5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ The tranquil sounds help me unwind and relax.

  • @MarieYosikawa
    @MarieYosikawa5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music is perfect for meditation and relaxation.

  • @NobukoFukushima
    @NobukoFukushima5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music is perfect for meditation and mindfulness.

  • @EdvardSwell
    @EdvardSwell5 күн бұрын

    律‍♀️ It helps me feel more connected to my inner self.

  • @EilirBaba
    @EilirBaba5 күн бұрын

    💻 Listening to ambient music helps me stay focused.

  • @MartimMathevon
    @MartimMathevon5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music helps me stay centered and balanced.

  • @HiromiYoshizawa
    @HiromiYoshizawa5 күн бұрын

    🏠 It creates a peaceful environment for work or study.

  • @LimaroGomes
    @LimaroGomes5 күн бұрын

    💻 It helps improve my concentration and focus.

  • @AlvesAlmeidase
    @AlvesAlmeidase5 күн бұрын

    易 It enhances my ability to concentrate and focus.

  • @PatriciaC.Hernandez
    @PatriciaC.Hernandez5 күн бұрын

    易 It enhances my ability to stay focused and concentrated.

  • @YasuhoIrie
    @YasuhoIrie5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The tranquil sounds help me unwind and relax.

  • @YuukaMuramatsu
    @YuukaMuramatsu5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The calming sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @MaterusArujose
    @MaterusArujose5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The calming sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @AkaneHosokawa
    @AkaneHosokawa5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a calming background for daily life.

  • @LeoSchomburgk
    @LeoSchomburgk5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay calm and composed.

  • @AkimiHori
    @AkimiHori5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a serene backdrop for my daily life.

  • @NariFukazawa
    @NariFukazawa5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a serene backdrop for my daily life.

  • @RionaIkeda
    @RionaIkeda5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay calm and composed.

  • @HiromuTaihei
    @HiromuTaihei5 күн бұрын

    😊 The gentle sounds help me feel more connected to nature.

  • @WardlawBrabban
    @WardlawBrabban5 күн бұрын

    🌿 The gentle sounds help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • @ShinpeiHeida
    @ShinpeiHeida5 күн бұрын

    🍃 It is great for creating a calming atmosphere.

  • @MuradAwdry
    @MuradAwdry5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in stressful situations.

  • @KazunaFujimoto
    @KazunaFujimoto5 күн бұрын

    🏡 It creates a serene environment for relaxation.

  • @IssieKikoMiyauchi
    @IssieKikoMiyauchi5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in my daily life.

  • @AyaKichikawa
    @AyaKichikawa5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It provides a soothing influence in my daily life.

  • @DominicTorrens
    @DominicTorrens5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at peace.

  • @ChizumiEndo
    @ChizumiEndo5 күн бұрын

    😊 Ambient music helps me stay composed and focused.

  • @KimiyukiOotani
    @KimiyukiOotani5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at ease.

  • @NikkiFernanes
    @NikkiFernanes5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more at ease.

  • @KatsuNimiya
    @KatsuNimiya5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @ChelsyDilliam
    @ChelsyDilliam5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @NagomiHakugi
    @NagomiHakugi5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @KazuhideIwata
    @KazuhideIwata5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @NatsuhoHoriguchi
    @NatsuhoHoriguchi5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @SakinoSugahara
    @SakinoSugahara5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @EmihoTaihei
    @EmihoTaihei5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @MitcellKeegan
    @MitcellKeegan5 күн бұрын

    🌸 It is ideal for setting a calm mood for any activity.

  • @JeeryCrevino
    @JeeryCrevino5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @AkemiHamaguchi
    @AkemiHamaguchi5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @MielGocarest
    @MielGocarest5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @GomesFernanes
    @GomesFernanes5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ Listening to ambient music helps me feel more relaxed.

  • @MasanoMurayama
    @MasanoMurayama5 күн бұрын

    🏡 It creates a calming environment for relaxation.

  • @YufuChouno
    @YufuChouno5 күн бұрын

    🎨 Ambient music is perfect for enhancing creativity.

  • @RoberHubbard
    @RoberHubbard5 күн бұрын

    🍃 Ambient music is perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

  • @GuilhermeMeloso
    @GuilhermeMeloso5 күн бұрын

    🍃 Ambient music is perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

  • @SousaFerreiras
    @SousaFerreiras5 күн бұрын

    🌈 Ambient music helps me feel more at peace.

  • @AoiOkuta
    @AoiOkuta5 күн бұрын

    🛋️ The tranquil sounds help me unwind and relax.

  • @IsaeOkuyama
    @IsaeOkuyama5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music is perfect for meditation and mindfulness.

  • @HenriAdames
    @HenriAdames5 күн бұрын

    律‍♂️ Ambient music is perfect for meditation and relaxation.

  • @DaigoOohashi
    @DaigoOohashi5 күн бұрын

    律‍♀️ It helps me feel more connected to my inner self.
