BBIP Mini Conference, Part I (BBIP Webinar, 4/16/2020)

The Black Book Interactive Project (BBIP) - part of the University of Kansas's History of Black Writing project (HBW) - is a digital archive of over 7,000 Black-authored texts. It launched in 2010 and has received funding from KU, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), and the Andrew Mellon Foundation. PhiloLogic, a searchable online metadata platform from the Textual Optics Lab at the University of Chicago, powers BBIP's HBW Novel Corpus.
These webinars are part of BBIP's Extending the Reach Scholars Program: a series of live event digital humanities webinars conducted by BBIP community partners and advisors that inform and support the scholars’ work.

