Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media 文理學士(創意媒體), School of Creative Media, CityUHK

School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong
[Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media 文理學士(創意媒體)]
Media creators are increasingly using scientific concepts in their work. Games, for instance, use ideas from physics, biology and mathematics. Multimedia artists are also learning to collaborate with scientists when producing their work. This ground-breaking major is a response to this cutting-edge trend in the creative world.
More details:
Credits to Students/Alumni Artists:
CHAN Long-fung, Lazarus
CHOW Chi-hang, Cody
HE Jun, Nix
KUNG Siu-yum, Sky
LAI Chung-man, Andio
LAU Ho-chi
YUEN Man Ni, Chloe
WU Leong-hin, Leon
Special Thanks:
LI Ye, Trixy
SIU Yuen-lam, Katie
