比利时 安特卫普大广场 见证庆祝结婚注册的幸福时刻 Grote Markt Antwerp, Happy Moment of Marriage Celebration

安特卫普是集很多显赫符号于一身的比利时的第二大城市,是任何到西欧游走的人不想错过的一站.我们的安特卫普之旅始于安特卫普大广场. 在惊叹于大广场上中世纪建筑上雕梁画栋的精工细作之时,我们沉醉于古建筑的 ‘‘青砖黛瓦凭虚构,古韵清雅雅且神’. 市政厅前的布拉博雕塑的 '人间巧艺夺天工’ 及背后的故事令人肃然起敬. 我们还有幸目睹了一对新人在结婚注册后的庆祝仪式.
Antwerp is an excellent destination to add to any West-Europe itinerary. With a rich history and culture, it will come as no surprise that Antwerp offers the very best of Belgium in one place. We start from Grote Markt (Grand Place) Antwerp, where we discover some fine examples of Art Nouveau architectures. We are also fortunate to witness the happy moment of heart-warming marriage celebration at the Registry Office.
安特卫普, 比利时, 大广场, 结婚注册, 庆祝仪式
Antwerp, Belgium, Grote Markt (Grand Place), marriage registration
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