Auric Maelstrom I II V E G║ Hab Dreyko ║ Zealot Eviscerator + Boltgun 1.3.11

Hab Dreyko Transit Hub HL-16-11 ''Chasm Terminus'' Investigation
Auric + Damnation + Maelstrom
Locke Mk IIb Spearhead Boltgun + Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator
2024.06.04 patch 1.3.11
The hardest mode is here ║ Auric Maelstrom I II V E G ║ Hi-Intensity + Shock Troop Gauntlet + Nurgle Blessing + Waves of Bosses + Only Scab Faction + Enhanced Blitz. Immense amount of hordes elites and specials...
