Ask Swami with Swami Sarvapriyananda - June 18th, 2023

Swami Sarvapriyananda speaks on the topic, "All knowledge depends on the knower, known, and instrument of knowledge, yet we are taught that we are none of these. How can this be reconciled?"
Q&A session led by Swami Sarvapriyananda at the Vedanta Society of New York on Jun 18th, 2023. List of questions with timestamps:
0:00 - Intro
04:17 - All knowledge depends on the knower, known, and instrument of knowledge, yet we are taught that we are none of these. How can this be reconciled?
19:48 - If science can be used to know the self, does this mean that Vedanta is not a unique instrument for self knowledge? How can science be used for the study of something without objective qualities?
30:24 - How can we remove doubt? How is one guided to know Brahman clearly and continuously?
46:43 - How does one become a monk or nun?
48:56 - How do you explain the problem of evil within the realm of consciousness?
01:01:00 - Is Purusha the same as pure consciousness? When we say “I am imperishable”, how do we know?
01:09:00 - Is consciousness everywhere, not just in living things? What is the glue that binds Brahman and Maya together?
01:18:35 - We are told we are one consciousness. Where does Karma come in?
01:25:49 - Will the witness, sakshi, register anything?

