Ashoka 🌲 trees Have to be Taken Care Well

Description about Ashoka trees
Ashoka trees, scientifically known as Saraca asoca, are revered in Indian culture and are often planted in gardens and along roadsides. They are medium-sized evergreen trees with a straight trunk and smooth, grayish bark. The leaves are long, lanceolate, and form dense clusters.
Ashoka trees are known for their attractive flowers, which bloom in clusters and vary in color from yellow to orange and red as they mature. These flowers have a sweet fragrance and are often used in traditional ceremonies and decorations.
The tree is also noted for its medicinal properties. In Ayurveda, various parts of the Ashoka tree are used to treat ailments such as menstrual disorders, pain, and inflammation. It holds a special place in Hindu mythology and is associated with several deities.
Thank you 🙏!
