Homo, Natura, Terra: Arranged as a thematic triad, the exhibition shows 1,300 objects of Helvetian archaeology. The central exhibition area 'Homo' presents an overview of more than 100,000 years of human history with artefacts from the Palaeolithic to the Early Middle Ages, visualizing the different epochs.
'Natura' illustrates the human impact on nature as well as the interaction of humankind and environment. An animated large scale projected drawing brings the Swiss landscape into the museum. It is scenically enriched by the visitor's interaction with the natural history exhibits of the hands-on-stations.
'Terra' shows the reference between exhibit and location. The visitor strolls below the Swiss landscape, an aluminium sculpture hovering in space, consisting of more than 3,000 individual parts. A light choreography brings the orographic rib-type model to life and illustrates in a poetical manner the ongoing passage of time.
General planning, Exhibition Architecture, Scenography, Graphic Design: ATELIER BRÜCKNER
Light Planning with: Atelier Derrer
Media Design with: medienprojekt p2
Architecture: Gustav Gull
Architecture/Refurbishment: Christ & Gantenbein
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