Archaeological Conservation Institute - ACI course 2015

On June 2015 the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica of Rome, CCA, organized the second edition of the Conservation Course in Archaeology, dedicated to a group of 14 students of the University of Delaware. This event was structured around the new extraordinary finds from Mont’e Prama: four new nuragic sculptures and 1950 new fragments of carved stone. The course, three weeks long, was held at the Convento di San Nicola in Belmonte in Sabina, Rieti and at the Cabras Archaeological Museum, Sardinia. The 2015 program included one week of theory and conservation practice in the CCA laboratory and two weeks of hands-on field work for the conservation campaign of the nuragic sculptures of Monte Prama", in Cabras. This video has been edited by the course participants as part of the program activities.
