Apni beti ka rishta in 3 ghrun main kbhi mat krna | Hazrat Ali Nay Farmaya

Apni beti ka rishta in 3 ghrun main kbhi mat krna | Hazrat Ali Nay Farmaya #Hazrat Ali quotes
Here are some related keywords to the quote "Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) said: Never marry your daughter in these three houses":
The phrase "Apni beti ka rishta in 3 ghrun main kbhi mat krna" is a Hindi sentence that translates to "Never marry your daughter into three families." This is a quote often attributed to Hazrat Ali, a cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who is revered by Muslims for his wisdom and knowledge.
The quote is often interpreted as advice to avoid marrying one's daughter into a family with a history of:
1. Poverty (gharunan)
2. Illness (gharunan)
3. Bad character or reputation (gharunan)
The idea is to protect one's daughter from potential difficulties and hardships by choosing a suitable and compatible match for her. However, it's important to note that this quote is not a direct Hadith (Islamic tradition) and its authenticity is not verified. Nonetheless, it is widely shared and respected as a piece of wisdom in many Muslim communities.
#hazratali #Hazrat Ali quotes #quwatislam #Choosing the right spouse
Islamic marriage advice
Hazrat Ali quotes
Muslim wedding guidance
Family selection for marriage
Compatibility in marriage
Avoiding problematic marriages
Wise words for parents
Marriage counseling in Islam
Choosing the right spouse
Islamic teachings on family relationships

