Animation Graphic with Google Sheet

How to animate Google Sheets charts with the "Animated Charts and Graphs Maker" extension:
1. Install the Extension:
Open your Google Sheet.
Go to Extensions - Marketplace.
Search for "Animated Charts and Graphs Maker".
Click Install.
2. Create your chart:
Select the data you want to visualize.
Go to Insert - Chart.
Choose the desired chart type.
Customize your chart's appearance.
3. Open the Extension Sidebar:
Go to Extensions - Animated Charts and Graphs Maker.
4. Choose Animation Type:
Select the chart you want to animate from the dropdown menu.
Choose an animation effect from the provided options. Some examples include "Grow In," "Slide Up," and "Pulse."
You can preview the animation in real-time.
5. Customize Animation Settings:
Adjust the animation duration, timing, and delay.
You can even set individual animations for each series in your chart.
6. Export or Embed your Animated Chart:
Click "Export to GIF" or "Export to MP4" to download the animation.
Alternatively, click "Embed Chart" to copy the embed code for inclusion in presentations or websites.
Additional Tips:
Experiment with different animation effects and settings to find the best fit for your data and message.
Ensure your chart has clear labels and legends for easy comprehension.
Use contrasting colors and appropriate font sizes for optimal viewing.
Consider adding music or narration to enhance the impact of your animated chart.
