ANC 3/4G Special Meeting, April 11, 2024, Proposed Zoning Changes in Chevy Chase

00:00:04: Meeting begins, chaired by ANC Vice Chair Peter Gosselin
00:01:32: Commissioner introductions.
00:04:58: Agenda amendments: Commissioner Nash’s Council testimony; approved 5-0.
00:05:43: Consent agenda: March 27 meeting minutes; approved 5-0.
00:06:22: Discussion or proposed zoning amendments for Chevy Chase. Invited guests: executive director Kent Boese and staff attorneys, Denise Wiktor and Andrew Gerst, Office of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions; and equitable land use lawyer Alexandra Cain, Office of the Attorney General, all to help answer technical and procedural questions.
00:15:16: Focus on Zoning Commission case 22-25, limiting input by ANCs on zoning decisions.
00:17:08: Andrew Gerst summarizes 22-25.
00:19:26: Commissioner Gosselin recalls the ANC wrote a letter in September 2022, objecting to the rule change on grounds it would limit meaningful community engagement.
00:23:10: Discussion of the ANC 3/4G not being given proper notice of the November 9, 2023 set down hearing for case 23-25 (Chevy Chase proposed zoning amendments).
00:25:24: Commissioner Sherman emphasizes the significance of designating a zoning change “rulemaking” vs “contested.”
00:29:36: Commissioner Nash asks if the ZC is required to give an ANC resolution on a proposed change “great weight.” Commissioner Gosselin asks if the ANC automatically gets “party status.”
00:35:36: Community discussion of proposed changes.
00:44:28: Attorney Ed Hanlon notes consequences of making a change rulemaking vs contested are ignificant.
00:47:25: Commissioner Gosselin states it would be hard to think of a role of the ANC more important than overseeing zoning changes within its own district.
00:49:50: One constituent argues the two new zones should be considered separately.
00:54:06: Commissioner Sherman asks if there is any other way the ANC could be granted party status.
00:56:39: Community discussion of whether zoning of the Civic Core should or could include housing.
01:02:03: Wiktor points out that Councilmember Frumin has introduced legislation to erase the covenant preventing an apartment building at the Civic Core.
01:04:01: Discussion of whether the Civic Core request for proposals (RFP) allows hotels and extensive retail.
01:06:28: Commissioner Gosselin proposes a new ANC resolution calling for one new zone for the Conn Ave corridor, allowing 70’ structures.
01:08:26: Opponents and proponents of the proposed development at the Civic Core site argue the merits.
01:34:49: Elizabeth Pike congratulates Lee Mayer and other opponents of the bike lane plan for Conn Ave for protecting seniors and those with mobility issues. The reversal of the city’s decision gives her hope that citizens can have an effect on what happens in their community.
01:40:10: Commissioner Nash describes his proposed transportation budget testimony; testimony approved 5-0.
01:41:45: Commissioner Gosselin notes he will write Council oversight testimony for the Department of Parks and Recreation, seeking more money for the Civic Core project.
01:42:25: Meeting ends.
