American Solar Ride 2022 Day 2

This is Day 2 of my ELF adventure, riding out to Heartland Motorsports Park in Topeka, KS, to observe the Formula Sun Grand Prix 2022, which is the qualifying track event for the American Solar Challenge (the cross-country event to follow). It was absolutely amazing to watch the teams perform under pressure, in order to get their cars to achieve their optimal performance over several grueling days of inspections & racing. No matter how smoothly things might go for each team, there' will always be a plethora of things to which the teams must adjust, whether it's wind, weather, extreme temperatures, spare parts, tires, electronics, or you name it.
Spending time in among the students meeting these challenges was good for my sense of optimism & possibility. The participants, & the people who organized this amazing, forward-looking event, represented the real, most significant resource on full display.
Regarding the dispute as to who wrote the music I play in my closing credits, there's this bit of info to shed light on the matter:
