All English Dialogue | Lauren Winter (Heavy Rain)


Please heed the warning at the beginning! This audio contains a lot of screaming and crying, so be prepared.
These are all the named, English-language voice lines for Lauren Winter in Heavy Rain. It's possible there are some I missed, as well as possibly some files that are still hidden and unnamed, but for now this is what I've got and may include some cut content scattered about. There are a few clips that end abruptly or have audio 'blips' in them, and although I tried to fix them I had no luck, so unfortunately that's what we've got. Also, a lot of them had a ton of dead air at the beginning and end (or the middle) of a clip, and while I cut down some of them, it would've taken forever to edit them all and so many were just left as is.
I didn't list the complete filenames since they often contained long strings of numbers, but I've organized them based on the chapter they're marked for, as well as the descriptive part of their name for context and a little additional insight. Files at the beginning (marked as 'General') are basically sound compilations meant to be reused whenever needed, and although a few were only ever used in specific chapters, I left them with their 'General' designation. Everything else is marked for the final name of the chapter they were or would've be in.
Sound packs for other characters are coming as I have time to edit them! Scott is probably up next.
0:00 Warning
0:06 General
4:41 Sleazy Place
13:48 A Visitor
16:16 Kramer's Party
18:19 Manfred
21:21 Eureka
23:44 The Cemetery
25:15 Flowers on the Grave
26:08 Trapped
27:16 Goodbye Lauren
27:32 Origami's Grave (Epilogue)
28:59 A Mother's Revenge (Epilogue)

