Aliabad vs shishkat B | tug of war 2023

Tug of war is a popular traditional game that has been played in different parts of the world for centuries. Hunza is a picturesque valley in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan that has a rich cultural heritage and a history of hosting traditional sports and festivals.
Tug of war is also a popular sport in Hunza and is played by both men and women. The game is usually played between two teams, each consisting of eight to ten players. The teams stand at opposite ends of a rope, which is usually made of natural fibers such as hemp or jute, and try to pull the other team towards their side.
In Hunza, tug of war is not just a sport but also a cultural event that brings people together and fosters a sense of community spirit. The game is often played during festivals and other special occasions such as weddings and religious ceremonies. The local people take great pride in their tug of war teams and train hard to win the game.
The game of tug of war has been played in Hunza for generations and has become an integral part of the local culture. It is not just a sport but also a way of life that has helped the people of Hunza to build strong bonds and relationships with each other
