Aliabad vs Altit semi final match | tug of war 2023 🔥 second round

Tug of war is a popular traditional sport that involves two teams pulling on opposite ends of a rope with the aim of dragging the other team across a central line. The Hunza valley is a beautiful and remote region located in northern Pakistan, known for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture.
Tug of war has been played in Hunza for many years and is a popular sport among the locals. It is often played during festivals, weddings, and other community gatherings. The game is usually played between two teams of eight people, and the team that successfully pulls the other team across the central line wins.
Tug of war is not only a fun and engaging sport but also a great way to build teamwork, communication, and physical strength. If you ever get a chance to visit Hunza, be sure to witness the excitement and thrill of a tug of war match firsthand
