Agnes Learns: Playing with fast and slow mediums

In Squirrels Working Out: Burpee, Chantal Rousseau explores the magic of animation, turning watercolour paintings into a GIF. The short video and accompanying lesson plan are filled with imaginative activities that draw from the ideas of traditional and digital art.
Featured Artwork
Chantal Rousseau
Squirrels Working Out: Burpee [animation cells] (detail)
2017-2020, watercolour on paper
Gift of the Artist, 2020
AGNES thanks the Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation.
Developed and recorded by Emily Li, Agnes Student Docent. This video is accompanied by a lesson plan geared towards elementary school students grades 4-6.
Lesson Plan:
AGNES Learns is a digital resource for children and families. Artworks from the Agnes collection inspire fun ways to explore, understand and get creative.
