Aftermath of coral destruction from a commercial vessel (PLEASE SHARE)

Many commercial vessels are destroying our beautiful corals and most people simply turn a blind eye on it. Coral growth are extremely slow, it takes anywhere from 1cm/year to 20cm/year depending on coral species and environment. This video was taken last week (end of April 2016) at Pulau Kapas (Malaysia) showing desctruction caused by a commercial vessel taken place few months ago. It was believed that the vessel was confiscated by the authority and the operator was fined. However, damaged is done and it will probably take at least another 10 years for these corals to grow back.
On the bright side, there are some recent activities to protect the corals such as coral restoration project around this area and the banned of fins for snorkelers in this area.
#protectourseas #protectourocean #saveourcorals #saveourturtles #saveturtles
