Kitesurfing Tutorial: Hooked Raley (Pop) - Easy Trick

This is an easy trick. To do this trick you need board speed and power from your kite. The kite is always at an angle between 45 to 60 degrees the whole time. The height of the Raley depending on how much load you store in your legs just before you take off. Keep your hands close to the bar center.
Step 1: Get some speed by bear downwind
Step 2: Load your legs by edging/carving upwind really hard. The harder you edge, the more load you will get but you must have enough power from your kite. This step should only be a fraction of a second so must be super quick.
Step 3: Once you have reach your max load, spring your legs off from the water driving your board towards the back. The faster you do this, the higher you can get. Timing is crucial here, you won't take off if it is too early or too late.
Step 4: Spot your landing keeping your board flat when hit water then ride off.
An analogy explanation: Imagine your legs are like a piece of spring, the more load you apply in your legs in step 2 are like compressing a spring. The more you compress, the more energy you will store which will take you higher. The height of your Raley depending on how fast you release your spring load in step 3. The faster you release the load the higher you will get.
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