"Acupuncture in Autoimmune Disease" with Dr. Erica McDonnell, DACM, LAc.

Did you know that studies have shown acupuncture can reduce inflammation and improve symptoms in autoimmune diseases? In fact, a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that 70% of patients with autoimmune conditions experienced significant symptom relief with regular acupuncture treatments! 📊
Dr. Erica is a nationally certified and licensed acupuncturist with a doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She is dedicated to providing thoughtful, compassionate, patient-centered care through a holistic and integrative approach. Emphasizing the connection between mind and body, Dr. Erica aims to help patients improve their overall well-being by addressing both physical and mental health. 🧠
To learn more about Dr. Erica's practice, visit: asktia.com/team/erica-mcdonnell
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